Digital Nomad Digital Nomad Family Tips

8 Tips To Stay Sane As A Digital Nomad Family

Being exposed to new situations, living in unfamiliar places and meeting strangers on a daily basis can be a challenge at first. But it can also be one of the most rewarding things about travelling solo. You are not only constantly pushing yourself to step out of your comfort zone but you also adjust more easily to new situations and build a strong foundation. This can help you at work, in your relationship and in many more situations in life. 

family sitting on a wooden bench at the beach
Travel proof: our kids love the digital nomad family life.

Whoever has eaten out alone once in their life knows what I am talking about. Or have you ever attended a day trip with a group of people you didn’t know? Does starting a conversation with the person next to you on a plane make you feel uncomfortable? Well, these are all examples that can happen to you when you go out to see the world by yourself. 

Sometimes you’ll end up feeling uncomfortable but once you’re through it, you will realize that it was a necessary process to grow even a little more.

Hang on! While this might already be a constant learning process for yourself, how on earth is this working when there is more than you involved? I am talking about your family. Well, when there is not only your own concerns, fears and worries to be taken care of, this task of stepping out of the comfort zone is yet a whole different story. 

woman kneeling at the beach looking towards her son, the sun goes down in the back

In this post, I want to dive into the struggles, challenges and opportunities you are facing when globetrotting as a family.

Your takeaways from this post:

  • Communication is key
  • Listen: Everyone in the family needs to be heard
  • Why you should always remember your WHY
  • How to create a space of love
  • Relax: You don’t have to be perfect (all the time)!
  • Why you should (re-)watch Monty Python

When will you ever stop searching?

The other day, we went to have lunch in a restaurant, here on Koh Phangan. The woman next to me started asking questions after Vincent walked over to her to show her his toy cars. She noticed his strong little character and the confidence he has when talking to strangers – he is only two years and 9 months old at the moment of writing this. In fact, when we go to eat out, he usually sits with other people, as he likes to get to know them. And since he is a friendly little feller, there has not once been an occasion that a person sent him away or was annoyed.

In this particular situation, the woman was especially fond of him right from the start of their conversation. After she had heard that we are homeless by choice and have been wandering the globe since 2011, she asked me: “But don’t you feel exhausted by constantly moving around? When will you finally arrive at one destination and stop looking?”. 

It’s not the first time that I have heard this question. It seems that people think that we are lost and on a quest to find our purpose in life or at least a destination to settle down.

While I am not saying that we will never settle down, it is clearly not what we are after right now. I responded as I usually would:

“We have already arrived. This is our life. This is what we do because we love it.”

She nodded and seemed to process the information. We kept talking for a while and I had the impression that she realized we are not some sort of hipsters who are following a popular trend. In fact, my reasons for still being on the road, even as a family, made perfect sense to her: we design our life the way we want to. No limitations, other than visa and money, of course.

All this being said, it is not always easy. Here is what we do to not go crazy when being together as a travelling family 24/7 for 365 days.

Pin for Pinterest with title 'How to stay sane as a digital nomad family'; family in the background, father makes a handstand, mother and two children laugh
Pin this on Pinterest and save the post for later!

1. Communication is key when you travel as a family

First and foremost I recommend to never forget about the importance of talking about EVERYTHING. I mean literally every single thing. Even if it seems to be only a tiny little problem, spit it out immediately. Never carry it along with you. Because if you do this, it will most likely transform itself into a big fat elephant-like problem. And then, it’s a lot harder to resolve it.

Being together and most often not able to shut a door or leave the house to go for work, means that you don’t have these 8-10 hours per day apart from each other during which both parties can process the other one’s words and eventually calm down or even forget about the argument.

When you are never separate, or at least not for long, you’ll want to constantly be transparent with your thoughts and feelings. Trust me, this helps big time. I had to learn this, I was never good at it but now, I even feel comfortable when sharing something that might cause trouble. 🙂    

woman swimming with two babies in a swimming pool, the ocean in the background

2. Remember your WHY

While it might look like the perfect lifestyle (and to us, it certainly is), I would be lying if I’d say that we are happy all the time. There are moments when I worry and wonder if this is the right thing to do – especially since we have kids. 

We human beings are designed to imitate and follow the masses. It’s so much easier too. Doing what everyone else does can’t be wrong, can it? And when you are swimming in the opposite direction, everyone else’s opinions and fears will always swim into your face. I learned to dive deeper and not let myself be affected by the current. I am, of course, not talking about swimming here, but I am trying to explain with this allegory that you can or cannot let other people’s opinions influence you in your process of making decisions in life.

Hey, it’s your life. What good does it do if everyone else is happy but you?

So, the best way of going strong into your direction and keep walking your way, is, in my opinion, when you constantly remember why you are choosing this as your life. In my case, I only have to think about my life back in Germany before I left in 2011: I seemed to have had it all, a well-paying job, a nice apartment and a full bank account. But I felt empty inside and I was not happy.

You, as a family, can do this together as well! Just try to look at all the positive aspects of living location-independently and living like a digital nomad family. And then ask yourselves, would you be happier where you were before and with what you did back there and then? Most likely, it would not even be easier, just different. But trying out something new – even just for a little while – can be so rewarding.

Little child and woman sitting on rocks overlooking the ocean form high above.

3. Everyone needs to be heard

Before we decided to have kids, we talked a lot about how this would affect our current life. There were times when we were not so sure if we really wanted to change something. And yet, we plunged into the adventure and this unknown road of being parents. No one can prepare you for this, it’s the most challenging and at the same time most fun ‘job’ I’ve ever had. A journey, I wouldn’t want to have missed, so I am very glad we decided to go this way.

At the same time, we loved the way things were and knew it would never be the same. Again, there were these voices from other people who made it even harder to focus on our own voices. They kept telling us that when we will have kids, we would have to stop and settle down. Kids need structure, and a home, they need familiar places and faces and what happens when they need to go to school?

With all these questions and statements, it was – again – not easy to break out the norm and choose the uncommon way. But, as with my initial decision to quit my job back in 2011 and start travelling the world, having children and keep travelling is again, the best decision we could have made. 

We made it our mission to listen to our children’s needs all the time and as they grow, it becomes a priority to choose the routes that THEY want. Even if that means that we might end up staying somewhere for longer or forever. This all only makes sense if everyone in our family is happy. If not, it’s like driving a car with a missing tyre, you will still be able to move but it won’t get you far and not as smoothly as before.

Pregnant woman in bikini top and long pants is holding her belly while standing at the beach and looking at the ocean.
Read about my learnings from travelling full-time for more than 9 years!

4. Create a space of love

I came to learn that children are little ‘wonderers’, they always want to know what’s going on. If one of us leaves the room or walks away, Vincent’s first question is where we go and what’s happening. He is absolutely fine with this change of situation if we are in a good mood. If there is a tense atmosphere because we are running late to catch a bus, for example, or if we want to quickly fit in an hour of work before dinner etc., he can’t handle it. He will stop you and demand to stay or take him with you.

The key to this is always to stay calm and reassure him that he is in the best place possible. If you make it sound fun and add something really interesting to him, he immediately let’s go of the thought of following you or wanting you to stay.

That made me realise that he is ok whenever he has the feeling of being loved. It’s such a logical thing to say, I know. But when you’re in a situation like the ones above, it’s not always possible to see these things. Sometimes it seems to be the exact opposite you had in mind. All you wanted was to quickly do XYZ. But if you remember that your kids always have first priority and that this thing that you wanted to tick off your to-do list actually can wait, you will take off the pressure. 

Your children will thank you by not making a scene. It’s not always easy but if you keep responding with love, you will make everyone’s life so much easier.

A woman and little child are walking on a pathway, the ocean and beach in the background.

5. Keep up with a routine

Speaking of easy – while keeping a routine might seem to be the exact opposite of what you are looking for after having left your former life, it will bring you and your family towards a much healthier state of mind. Even little things like brushing teeth and reading a story before we go to bed, no matter where and when can help big time.

Not only for my children, but it’s also important for me and Claudio to have a routine. For example, we always (try our best) to start the day with some sort of exercise. Here in Thailand, we rotate in the mornings and attend the yoga classes in the studio next to our resort. Or sometimes we simply swim or go for a run at the beach.

And when it comes to working hours, we also try to be as consistent as possible: most mornings are for who is involved in a bigger/more urgent project. Lunch is family time and depending on the workload, sometimes even the afternoons we get to spend time together as a family. When the kids are in bed, after 7 or 8 PM, we tend to work both on our laptops until the energy lasts…

Why is having a routine so important? Because everyone in our family knows what comes when and time slots can be used much more effectively when they are planned out. It’s my German genes that like efficiency a lot! lol

Woman and her son sitting in the middle of a group of people on the floor in the sand.

6. Don’t worry about being perfect!

I have long let go of the feeling of being an uber-human. No, seriously, in the beginning, after giving birth to our first child, Vincent, I tried to go back to ‘normal’ as soon as possible – I even started working again only 6 weeks after he was born and we made our first road trip to Italy when he was not even 3 months old…

Sometimes I think, it’s a mommy-syndrome to always wanting to be perfect. But I have learned with the time and especially after having our second child, that self-care is equally important to taking care of others. It’s not always on top of the list, of course, but whenever I can, I try to remind myself to ignore all the necessary things to do (like cleaning, taking care of the laundry or paying bills) and carve out time to recharge my batteries. After one hour of yoga or talking to a friend, I feel that my energy level is up again and then, I am a much happier mum than before. 

How do you do it when you are alone with the kids? Great question, I am glad you asked! It’s, of course, my big fat luxury that Claudio is there too. He does have work to do but is flexible enough to work around our family schedule. So, our children enjoy the rare case of having their mom and dad around them all the time. And I can sometimes simply say: “It’s your turn!”.

When he can’t take the kids and I need a break, I usually bank on nap times. Or I ask a random stranger to watch them for a while. Just kidding! Many times, I just wait and see what fun things we can do together that are not as exhausting as others, like for example reading a book together, painting or playing with playdoh. And then, afterwards, the show can go on. 🙂

A pregnant woman is sitting in the sand with her son, black sand strand, in the background is the ocean.

7. Zoom out and look at the bigger picture

This tip is good for anyone, I think, who has sometimes the feeling of being overwhelmed with a situation: whenever this happens to me, I try to remind myself that all your feelings are self-made. You are the one who reacts to the situation, the situation is not responsible for your feelings and thoughts. Plus, ask yourself: does the moment that you are experiencing right now affect your entire life or just this very instant. If it’s the latter, you might want to take a deep breath and relax because you are most likely overreacting. 

What I mean by that most situations are not as big or bad as they seem when we are in the middle of them. I ask myself in these situations if it’s really worth spending all this energy on something that is not important, or if I should just let go. Usually, it’s a lot better to let go. It takes a lot of practice – that’s why I love yoga so much, it helps you to focus more on the important things in life and readjust your inner balance.

But I am no master, by all means! The other day, Vincent was playing with his ball right before bedtime. Most days, he is full of energy right before he falls asleep. This is especially challenging if the rest of us is tired too and simply wants to have it peaceful and quiet. So, when he started kicking the ball right towards the face of his 9 month-old brother who was laying on the floor on a cushion, I first told him not to do so, but when he still continued with his game, I took his ball away and threw it outside.

I totally overreacted, I admit. But in the situation, I was so angry and I didn’t see any other solution. Later, I felt stupid because there are a million ways to react better than this. I could have moved his little brother or distracted him with some other toy.

You see, if I had taken my own advice that I am sharing with you today, then I would have totally said that the situation is not affecting my life as a whole and that I should not spend any negative energy on it. Zoom out and look at those kinds of moments as often as you can. It’s so helpful!

A child and her mother are sitting in the sand of a beach in front of a row of houses.

8. Make every day a fun day

Travelling and working remotely can result in a blur of endless days of sunshine. It’s very easy to forget which weekday or date it is. And because we humans always get bored with everything after a while, it might happen so that we sometimes feel bored by yet another beautiful sunset or yummy tropical fruit juice. Even if you are not travelling like us, you can probably relate to that. Your life might be really good and still, sometimes you forget to appreciate all the positive aspects of it.

What helps me the most when I get a feeling of boredom or when I notice that my three boys fall into a low mood, then I pull the silly card. Laughing and fooling around is like waking everyone up and reminding ourselves that life is good. Making fun or doing something completely different helps a lot with staying connected as a family. So, if you can, you might want to try humming (just for yourself or with sound) Monty Python’s version of ‘Always look at the bright side of life…’. And I am sure you’ll instantly feel a little better!

A woman and her son overlooking the ocean, both smiling.


I consider my family as some sort of company or community: we all have our roles to play and every character contributes to our well-being. While it is not always easy to be together every single day, we have found that living the digital nomad lifestyle as a family is such a fun way. As long as you remember the reason why you initially chose to start this journey and if you always keep in mind that most situations are not as bad as they seem, you can make this work and be a much happier family than you used to be.

Please let us know what you think about these tips in the comments below. Did we miss something? What is your best advice for someone starting out as a digital nomad family?

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The Ultimate Guide to Koh Phangan For Digital Nomad Families – What to Do And Where to Stay

It’s no secret, Thailand is a magnet for travelers and digital nomads alike. We found that Koh Phangan for digital nomad families is just perfect! During my eight years of roaming the world, I was lucky enough to visit this beautiful spot of the world several times. But the last time was different. It wasn’t old backpacker-me ticking off tourist attractions this land of smiles has on offer. Nope. This time, I brought my little nomadic family along.

Read on if you want to know where are the best places for digital nomads and how living on Koh Phangan as a digital nomad family looks like.

Koh Phangan for digital nomad families offer so many cool places like this swing heald by palm trees where a couple with their child sits, the ocean in the background.
Swinging life away on Koh Phangan for digital nomad families… at one of our favorite beaches in the south of the island.

Note: This is a collaboration post, partially from people we personally know and have met on my travels, and partially from my blogger network. It aims to give you a not single-minded perspective on the island’s potential! You’re welcome! 😉

Koh Phangan For Digital Nomad Families – why go?

For us, the question of ‘where to next?’ pops up as soon as the days of our current visa come to an end. It’s mostly a challenge and it requires a lot of patience and travel planning skills if you want to slow travel as budget-friendly as possible. But there are a few things that can help you make a decision: One big factor is the weather. Yes, it’s that simple. Don’t visit Europe, for example, in the cold and grey months of November and January (December is fine if you like Christmas, then it’s actually lovely there!).

So, in 2018, during our stay in Portugal’s scenic Algarve, we met so many families who travel and work remotely just like us. After a while, it happened so that we connected and exchanged travel plans. Most of the other families already booked their flights to Asia. And since we now focus on what is best for our kids (back then, we were still with our first son only and me being pregnant again), we decided to follow along and meet with our and his playmates on Koh Phangan, Thailand. Such a great decision!

Koh Phangan for digital nomad families has it all! The (still!) laid-back island vibe you are looking for when thinking of an island escape. GORGEOUS beaches and lush green jungle spots! Oh, and boy, do I love Thai food – take me back, please, yum!

Bird-eye view onto Koh Ma Island on Koh Phangan for digital nomad families.
One of the best views you’ll have up at the 360 Bar.

Koh Phangan for digital nomad families: best places to eat on

Orion Healing Center

This place alone gives me a reason to go back to Koh Phangan. Seriously, I wanted to stay there as soon as we walked in the first time (and we came back many more times during our stay on the island). How can I describe it best to do it justice: you walk into the outside sitting area when you come from the parking lot and feel already peaceful and calm. It’s actually a healing center where people practice yoga and enjoy detox treatments. But you can (and should!) also eat in their fabulous restaurant and cafe.

Collage of one big picture with an outside sitting area with hammocks, palm trees, and two small pictures with typical food.
Take me back… Yummy food and a peaceful vibe!

When you have the time, then you should come several times as it is impossible to try all their food at once – which I really recommend – you can tell, I am absolutely in love with this place (and this is no paid advertisement, it’s my genuine opinion LOL). You can choose from Yogi breakfast bowls to yummy vegan dishes and, of course, sip your way through their healthy smoothies and freshly squeezed juices.

Seed to Feed

We love the idea of this place: they grow their own salads, herbs and green leaves right next to the restaurant. Besides this awesome fact, everything is nicely presented to the visitor and there is simply a relaxed atmosphere. Oh, and of course, the food is delish too! Try one of their yummy salads and you’ll see what I mean. It is a nice change when you want to eat something fresh instead of the evergreen Pad Thai dish. But, of course, you can also get traditional Thai food in case you’re wondering…

collage of two photos, one showing hanging menu signs and the other showing four glass jars with spices and herbs.


Vegan restaurants are on the upcoming as it is no secret that many travelers come to this beautiful island with a mission to heal, relax and exercise. That’s why you also see many yoga places and organic shops around. Eat.Co makes it a priority to serve creative dishes in a very laid-back and artsy ambience. You can even shop some organic clothes and hand-made jewellery as well as soaps, oils, incenses and non-chemical insect repellent.

Tip: The portions are rather small so if you’re hungry you will have to order two dishes each if you don’t want to leave hungry… But then again, I was there when I was pregnant, so perhaps you will be fine! LOL

Pantip Market

As a digital nomad in Koh Phangan, you can’t eat out in restaurants all the time. Even in Thailand that can get pricey. One of the best solutions, other than cooking yourself, is to go eat at the Pantip Market.

Thai street food market, food stalls and vendors

Koh Phangan’s Pantip Market, also known as Pantip Night Food Market, is an all-day food market in Thong Sala, the largest town on the island.

Whichever time of day you come there, you’ll be able to choose from a wide array of reasonably priced meals. Ranging from the smallest snacks such as pancakes, doughnuts or meat/tofu skewers, to full-on meals such as Pad Thai and of course you can find also the beloved mango & sticky rice dessert. Many of the stalls have started using paper plates and banana leaves instead of the omnipresent plastic.

The market becomes the liveliest in the evenings. Around the Full moon dates, even stalls selling souvenirs pop up in Pantip and it can become quite difficult to find a free seat in the common seating area. 

This tip comes from my friend Veronica from Travel Geekery. Check her also out on Instagram:

What to do on Koh Phangan

One of the greatest things to do on Koh Phangan is clearly to enjoy the countless beautiful beaches and explore the many hidden bays. See below for a full list of best beaches on the island. But one highlight you simply can’t miss is going snorkeling in the little bay of the so-called Secret Beach.

Snorkeling at Koh Raham – Secret Beach

Pass through the jungle-like resort and restaurant entrance from which you will get to the very far back of the sitting area. Once you’ve reached the end of the pathway, you will see people jumping off the little rock. You can also simply put on your snorkeling gear and climb down the stone stairs to submerge into the crystal clear waters.

Immediately you will be surrounded by plenty of fish that hang out there and get attracted by the food people through into the water… (not my favorite part, as I don’t think humans should feed wild fish, but the kids loved to see them and swim with the little fishes…)!

Little alley with coconuts on the side, woman with child in her arms underneath a sign that says Koh Raham
You will feel like a pirate in this place!

Angthong National Marine Park

When we travel, we always try to look outside the box and find activities that are not so common or done while in a destination. Our idea is, in this way, to generate content that is not very common and can help more travelers to plan their trip, and to us to increase traffic to our blog.

During our trip to Thailand, we went, of course, to Koh Phangan, an extremely popular island that almost every traveler to the country visits. But here we found a tour to a national park called Angthong National Marine Park which, despite widely publicized everywhere, very few people really did take. Everyone prefers to party at night and rest in the day…

Man and woman standing at the beach smiling at the camera, sun glasses on their eyes, the ocean and a green jungle mountain in the background.

So, we decided to go on a tour that left at 07:00 am and returned around 19:00 in the afternoon. We were surprised and loved it. We saw several nearby islands, hidden lagoons between mountains and paradisiacal beaches with practically no people. Without doubt, one of our favorite activities in the area, and for which to this day many travelers ask us about.

This tip is from Alejandra from Universo Viajero, you can find her also on Instagram:

Full Moon Party

No article about traveling to Koh Phangan should be without a short mention of the legendary Full Moon Party. It might not be for everyone and is clearly not for (anymore). But this Koh Phangan travel guide wouldn’t be complete without it. So, here is my honest opinion on this rather special event.

When I visited Koh Phangan the first time, back in 2011, I also went to see what it’s all about the Full Moon Party. The hype is huge, people who want to be part of this massive party at the beach, travel from other parts of Thailand (and even outside the country), just to be there when Koh Phangan goes wild. Prices go up, hotels fill up and alcoholic beverages get scarce. Everyone buys colorful (or white) shirts and those neon colors that reflect at night.

Full Moon party bracelet on arm wrist

When you are in your mid-twenties celebrating with your friends, you might have the time of your life dancing the night away right at one of Koh Phangan beautiful beaches. But if you have kids and get a little older, like us, a wild party event like this just doesn’t do the trick any longer. I’d rather stay at home or sit by the bonfire at Zen Beach.

Should you go? Yes, sure. It’s one of those things you can tick off your bucket list. But no harm is done if you miss out. But that’s just my humble opinion… Please leave a comment at the end of this article if you agree/disagree. Thanks!

Check for more activities and tours on Koh Phangan here:

Plate with a cut pineapple and text saying The Ultimate Guide to Koh Phangan As a Digital Nomad Family.

Where to stay on Koh Phangan

Koh Phangan, one of Thailand’s fairest island getaways, is known for its beauty but, too often, it’s party culture. The home of the infamous Full Moon Party, it can be a little tricky to find places to suit travelers who aren’t on their gap year.


That’s why Bluerama, a small hilltop resort about ten minutes from the port offers the best of all worlds. Situated at the top of a (very) steep hill, this small boutique outfit only has ten bungalows on stilts, each offering incredible views of the bay before them. The bungalows are tastefully decorated, beautifully air-conditioned and offer privacy from other guests.

However, because of the location, the hotel also has one of the world’s most stunning swimming pool views, as you are almost suspended above the ocean. And this poolside setting usually attracts a cool clientele with trendy music and a laid back cocktail vibe around sunset.

view from terrace of the Bluerama on Koh Phangan
Photo credit: Bluerama

Bluerama is also ideal for digital nomads as it offers some of the strongest WiFi signals we’ve seen over South East Asia. Working by day at the pool and streaming Netflix at night means you’re easily connected, albeit in some beautiful surroundings.

This tip comes from James and Lee Scrivener from The Travel Scribes.

NOTE: This is not an ideal hotel for families, in fact, it is an adult-only spot. However, we wanted to include it in this post anyway as it can be interesting for couples and solo travelers who might stop by and read this post too.


What can I say – would I recommend it? Hm, not to everybody, I think. But here I am telling you that we had a wonderful time there. Why? Despite the somewhat rundown facilities and the not so ideal location, we can definitely say that it is worth to stay at Buritara if you are a digital nomad family.

Every year, during European winter, many German-speaking families have made it their habit to reunite on Koh Phangan to escape the cold. In fact, there is this one famous German travel family, the Horlachers, who started the so-called ‘Koh Phangan Winter Camp’ back in 2017.

people at the beach, in the middle there is a bonfire lighting up, clouds hanging in the sky.
Getting ready for our bonfire night…

The reason this is such a great resort to choose when visiting Koh Phangan as a digital nomad family is because you will be surrounded by not the ordinary hotel guest but with people who think and breathe exactly like you: travel, location-independence and anything that is related to an alternative lifestyle.

If you are interested to be part of such a community during your workation on Koh Phangan, check out this (German) Facebook group, or simply speak to anyone at one of the many beaches who looks German and for sure they can tell you where the next get-together will take place. Your best place to connect is clearly the god ol’ Buritara.

A big outdoor swimming pool in a resort, children playing in the water, palm trees and the view towards the ocean in the background.

Song Pi Nong and Longtail Beach Resort

The reason I am listing these two hotels here together is that I cannot really speak from personal experience as we did not stay there. But from all the families we met on the island, who stayed at either of the two places, they highly recommended them. In fact, if you want to have a little more European standard and cleanliness, then you are better off at one of these places. Like I explained above, we didn’t mind the lower standard that Buritara had on offer because the people made it an overall positive experience, but as a travel blogger who recommends hotels and restaurants, I honestly have to say that I wouldn’t stay there under ‘normal’ circumstances.

Tip: Check for availability at Longtail Beach Resort and Song Pi Nong way ahead of time, these are popular places and sell out fast during December till March!

Search here for your Koh Phangan accommodation:

These are perfect beaches on Koh Phangan for digital nomad families!

Often we are asked which beaches we find the most beautiful. To answer this question is not so easy, because one beach is more beautiful than the other, that’s how we feel. But here are our two most favorite beaches:

1.) Srithanu Beach (Nice Beach)

Our house beach in Srithanu. We have consciously decided to stay only a few minutes by motorbike from Srithanu Beach. This is where we are most frequently found. We like the clear, calm water, the small bay, the white powder sand and the Nice Beach Restaurant with the delicious Thai cuisine. This beach is particularly suitable for families with children of all ages.

woman with child plays in shallow water at the beach. In the background you can see the sandy part of the beach with little shops and restaurants.

One can walk very far into the water, as the beach doesn’t drop much towards the sea. Since there is very little current in this bay, the water is clear and calm. Here you will find the ideal bathing fun for the whole family but be aware that there are only a few shady places…

From approx. 6 pm you can enjoy here also daily beautiful sunsets. For us, the Srithanu Beach (Nice Beach) is the number one beach on Koh Phangan.

Sunset at the beach, some people are in the shallow water, a couple is laying on a blanket in the sand and watch the sun go down.
Always worth a visit: Happy Beach or Nice Beach, as they call it.

2.) Malibu Beach

Malibu Beach lives up to its name. If you didn’t know you were in Thailand, you might think you were in Florida. It has the finest, whitest beach in the north of the island. From afternoon (approx. 2 pm) more and more shade falls into the bay and thus also on the beautiful beach. Therefore we recommend a visit in the morning. Like at Srithanu Beach you can walk far into the sea. So you can relax on the beach while the kids play in the water.

There is only one restaurant on the beach and it is highly overpriced – on top of that bringing food is not allowed. However, as far as we know, the beaches in Thailand are mostly public, so we decided to bring small snacks, fruits and drinks with us. Tip: Just don’t sit directly in front of the restaurant.

3.) Bottle Beach

This beach in the northeast of the island is very difficult to reach by land, so the best way to get there is by taxi boat. You can book the trip directly at the port in Chaloklum and it should not cost you more than about 300 BAHT for both ways. For children up to 11 years of age, there is usually no need to pay. The travel time is approx. 20 – 30 minutes. It is best to start in the morning at the harbor in Chaloklum. If you are traveling with a larger group, you can certainly negotiate a group discount.

At Bottle Beach, you will find a handful of hotels and restaurants, so there is plenty to eat and drink. Best time to visit: Avoid the weekend! Then, you might be lucky to find the beach all to yourself!

typical Thai taxi boats on the shore of crystal clear turquoise water

4.) Haad Khom / Coconut Beach

Coral Bay Beach, as it is called by most people, is well known for its pet: a huge and friendly pig. In the spacious bay, you will find many cozy places in the shade. Children will love the swings that are hanging down from the palm trees. The restaurants offer good Thai food and the beach pig is, of course, an attraction. As the name „Coral Bay” already suggests, the sand is not the finest and in the water are sometimes some stones and corals. This makes a good snorkel spot though, so don’t forget to bring your goggles.

5.) Zen Beach

Zen Beach is not very suitable for swimming, especially for families with children. Apart from its strong current and the fairly deep entrance right after a few steps into the water, there is a high chance of being stung by a sea urchin. It happens quite frequently that people come out of the water with one of the long spines in their feet.

Nevertheless, this beach has an absolute special vibe. At sunset many alternative free spirits, musicians and acrobats meet here to make music, dance and enjoy a huge fire show. It is a special experience to soak up the colorful hustle and bustle with music, acrobatics and dance around the campfire. Many practice yoga or simply enjoy a coconut and watch the beautiful sunset.

woman kneeling in the sand watching her child walk in the distance towards the ocean, the sun goes down in the background.

More beaches on Koh Phangan

These were our top five beaches on Koh Phangan. As you can imagine, there are many more beaches. Here are more beautiful beaches we recommend to visit:

Thong Nai Pan

Thong Nai Pan is located in the east of the island. With a scooter, it takes about 30-45 minutes to get around.

Cocohut Beach

Famous for its legendary swing, this beach is worth a visit. Make sure to enjoy some delicious food at the Cocohut Resort.

Haad Yao

The bay at Haad Yao is relatively large and offers plenty of space for families with children.

Haad Salad

The bay is very, very beautiful. However, you can always find sea cucumbers (harmless) or sea urchins when snorkeling further out.

Although we have already spent 7 months on Koh Phangan, there is always something new to discover. We can recommend the „Koh Phangan Travel Guide” from „Home is where your Bag is”. We were surprised ourselves about what we discovered in this pointed travel guide.

These tips for Koh Phangan for digital nomad families are from our lovely friends Sabrina and Holger at Worldsafari Family. Check them also out on Instagram.


Koh Phangan for digital nomad families is a very special place – either if you are after the colorful Full Moon Party or if you simply want to stay for a few months and use it as your nomad base. Especially for digital nomad families, this Thai island has a lot on offer: calm and beautiful beaches, friendly and relaxed people which is probably the reason why there is a healthy mix of both travel families and solo travelers.

If you liked this post, please share it with your family and friends. Also, leave a comment to let us know what part of Koh Phangan you like best or if you are still planning to visit this gorgeous island. Stay tuned for more Thai content as we will be back there from January-March 2020!

In the meantime check out our existing Thai articles:
4 Day Thailand Itinerary
Island Hopping Guide for Beginners
5 Things to Know Before Visiting Bangkok


Digital Nomad How To Make Money Top Travel Posts

World Travel Tips for Digital Nomads

Have you ever wondered how life on the road really looks like? It’s a complex form of living and then again it’s the simplest way you’ve ever dreamed of. It includes living out of a suitcase, travelling to anywhere you want (and where there’s WIFI) and so much more. But it also means that you have to take care of a few things that common life doesn’t require. Want to know which are these things? Here is your ultimate guide to a digital nomad’s life!

A person standing in front of a building

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Life on the Road: All You Need to Know About How to Become a Digital Nomad

The Eiffel Tower, Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal. What does each of these spectacular world landmarks have in common? Well, for some of us, each of these locations could be an office with a million dollar view. Remote work offers the best of both worlds to the tech-savvy and adventurous among us. Sightseeing while you work can be a dream, and you don’t need much to get started. Oftentimes all you need is a functional computer, a good internet connection, and an entrepreneurial spirit to become a modern-day digital nomad!

For today’s digital nomads, the possibilities are just emerging as increasingly more companies offer remote contracts or the ability to work from home. With a bit of planning and determination, you can join the ranks of other global nomads making a living on the road.

1. Establish Your Goals

For digital nomads, the end goal is generally to travel while working and create some kind of sustainable income. Although the popular image may be one of whipping out your laptop poolside, enjoying a cocktail — it’s not that simple (or practical!) to do.

The digital nomad is often envisioned as a 20 or 30-something Millennial having the right profession to combine travel and work, but you can hit the road at any age.

The life of a nomad is a balance between working on-the-go and enjoying new culture and sightseeing. It doesn’t always mean you have to leave the country — plenty of nomads spend their time exploring the diversity of culture in their own backyard without ever setting foot on the tarmac. A simple camper van and a sense of adventure can easily satisfy your urge to get out of town for a while.

Check out how one day CAN look like in the life of a digital nomad family!
The video is in German – English subtitles are coming soon!!!

2. Identify Your Skill Set and Income Sources

A person using a computer

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The most common question asked by nomadic wannabes is how they can get started. It’s not that hard if you already have the right skill set. If you aren’t lucky enough to have that perfect work-abroad job offer, develop your talent and create a situation where you can work digitally. Create sources of passive and active income as you embark on your journey.

Active Income:

  • Have a journalism degree? Establish a freelance practice before you set out.
  • Are you an educator? Many tutoring programs have moved online.
  • Have some other tech-savvy skill? Try blogging, web design, or creating a podcast.

Passive Income:

  • Rent your permanent home while you travel.
  • Create an online store to generate income.
  • Write and promote a book and publish it online.

Whatever your talent, you can move it abroad under the right conditions. Develop your income before you set off. Have a plan in place and create a timeline. It’s not a bad idea to have more than one source of income just in case.

Click HERE to get my FREE cheat sheet on how to find remote work!

3. Expect Hurdles to Your Nomadic Life

Many a global nomad enjoys the good life for several years, only to find that things get… complicated. Marriage, changes in health, babies, ageing parents, long-term plans and retirement plans all begin to emerge as potential hurdles. You may miss the boat on buying your first home or begin to see cracks in your social circle as you travel. Just like in any job, being a digital nomad means accepting that:

  • Loneliness is to be expected.
  • One day, you can return home, wherever that may be.
  • It’s never too early to plan for retirement.

Just as in the typical “day-to-day” grind, you will find yourself with items to take care of on your personal agenda. Health insurance, paying the bills, and taking care of family do not disappear when you venture on the path of global nomadism.

4. Complete a Trial Run

If you find yourself questioning whether or not life on the road is for you, it’s not a bad idea to complete a trial run before you throw in the towel on your 9 to 5. Take a break or a holiday first, and see if you can make it work.

Before putting in your notice, book a ticket to your location of choice with the intention to work as you go. Your aim here is work/life integration, not a vacation. This will allow you to work out the kinks before the real departure.

5. Choose Your Location … Wisely

A large crowd of people

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The global nomad can live anywhere, but that doesn’t mean they should. Choosing your locale to suit a budget is not only smart but it saves you the headache of relocating when things go south. Choose your location based on your income and don’t overstretch your budget. The same rules apply anywhere. Here are some tips:

  • Try affordable locations first. Southeast Asia, South America, and Eastern Europe are all great budget starting points. It’s like finding a starter home — once you know you can make it there, move on to pricier areas if you feel ready!
  • Stay long-term first. It takes several months to establish yourself in a location. Before bouncing off to the next country or city, plan to stay in each location for several months or a couple of years at a stretch. This helps you get to know the ins and outs before moving on.
  • Save before you go. Never start your nomadic experience in debt or without a financial plan. It’s a recipe for Couchsurfing disaster! Pay your debts before you go or at least know that you have enough saved to pay the bills for the next six months before setting off.

Remember, if you have financial or personal problems, they won’t go away just because you did. Whatever baggage you travel with (be it emotional or financial) will follow you wherever you go. Deal with your reality before departure to make sure you plan is successful.

6. Say Goodbye to Tradition

As a digital nomad, your life may diverge quite drastically from others in your social circle. This adventure comes with a trade-off. There will be no white-picket fence in your nomadic future, and you may find yourself cutting ties more frequently.

  • Be prepared for a moment when you question your decisions and be prepared to adjust accordingly.
  • Check in with yourself from time to time. Are you okay missing out on milestones and trading that for the travel experience?
  • Surround yourself with other nomads who “get it.” Don’t be afraid to let go of friendships temporarily as you experience this new lifestyle.

The quiet life, working at the same place for your entire life and settling down just don’t always work well when you’re spending more of your time on the road. Be prepared to hunker down wherever it works in the moment and move on when opportunities have been exhausted.

7. Don’t Brush Off Visas or Taxes

If there’s one piece of smart advice we can offer, it’s this: taxes and visas are a given. Neglecting these two areas can leave you in some pretty serious trouble. Many an adventurer sets out without obtaining appropriate financial advice regarding taxes. Or perhaps, it seems adventurous to “just go” and “see what happens.” We strongly advise against doing this. You still need to have a plan!

  • Depending on your country of residence, not filing taxes can come with swift penalties.
  • As a global nomad, you are likely self-employed. Seek out advice on filing taxes before you go.
  • Never enter a country without the appropriate visa or travel document and always register at the embassy if you go abroad.

In the case of a natural disaster or other unforeseen event (it happens more often than you think), be prepared to have an escape plan. Make sure you copy all your documents and have a close friend or family member guard them back home just in case. Or, keep copies of important financial information including taxes close to you at all times.

8. Protect Your Most Important Companion

A person sitting on the floor

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Speaking of cutting corners, this is one you don’t want to mess with! We’ve heard it all. Journalists who go abroad only to lose entire interviews and data on the road. Designers left with no editing equipment. Videographers with no tape.

  • Protect your gear and guard it with your life! Insure it, hide it when not in use, and back it up.
  • It’s likely most of your work while on-the-go is done via your laptop or even your phone or iPad, so don’t leave your gadgets unprotected. Invest in cases or other protective gear that functions as a barrier against drops and damage.
  • Invest in luggage and gear that doesn’t impede transit through customs. Keep things moving along with a suitcase that is versatile and modern.

Get your travel and tec gear before you start your digital nomad life:

Pick a few simple tricks of the trade if you plan to venture abroad on your nomadic journey. Take it from us, time saved equals money earned while you wait for your flight!

Get Started Today

Being a digital nomad does involve a lot of forethought and work, but the payoff is worth it. With the right attitude and willingness to plan, your business could be up and running within a few short months. In search of more advice? Many digital communities are thriving on social media, so do a quick search and connect with other nomads in your area of choice. Happy travels!

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About the Author:

Katie Tejada (McDaniel) is a writer, editor, and travel enthusiast. With a love for adventure and the great outdoors, she spends much of her time writing outside.

Destination Guides Top Travel Posts Travel

The Ultimate Guide to Visiting Alaska

After spending half a year in the sunny region of New Caledonia, the idea of heading somewhere colder did not appeal to my inner warmth-loving self. However, I promised myself I’d expand my bucket list a bit further to include some of those northern lands that are famous for their vast natural landscapes and untamed wildlife. Or, in the case of Alaska, for their very specific manner of treating moose, so just in case you were planning to offer some beer to a moos – don’t, the law forbids it.

All jokes aside, Alaska, also known as the Last Frontier, deserves the unparalleled pride its inhabitants feel for their homeland, and as soon as you build up the courage to head to this remote destination, you’ll understand why we all need at least one trip to Alaska in our lifetime.


In an attempt to warm up to the idea of cold, I’ve done my fair share of research, and I suggest you do the same in case you decide to head to this majestic country. Add to that this first-hand experience, and you’ll know if this should be your next nomadic experience or if you’d rather stick to island-hopping and sunny coastlines of tropical lands. Without further ado, here’s my take on Alaska, and I hope it will help you fall in love with its breathtaking wilderness, inside and out, as much as I did.

Beautiful scenery awaits you when visiting Alaska.

Timing does matter when visiting Alaska

If you’re anything like me, and you’d prefer to skip the swarming tourist crowds, then summer is out of the question when visiting Alaska. However, there are many perks of the lovely June-September period, from the mild and warm weather, easy access to some of the most remote parts of the country, all the way to the flora in full bloom. For those who can enjoy the somewhat bustling streets of the few cities in Alaska, then, by all means, go in summer, you’ll also learn what it means to experience never-ending sunlight, as the sun never sets in Fairbanks (and further north) for approximately 70 days per year!

Winter, on the other hand, is not for the faint of heart and those who easily get cold feet – literally. As the country of many extremes, Alaskan winter means you’ll be deprived of too much sunlight, especially if you stay in the north, although the main perk and the key reason so many still venture to Alaska in this time of year is Aurora Borealis – the inexplicably stunning northern lights, only visible during the colder months of the year.

I myself chose to go there in the transitional period of early spring, and it seems that the forecast will be similar for 2019. The Spring Equinox of this year will happen around March the 20th, which means perfectly dark skies for Aurora-spotting, and not such harsh weather as in the dead of winter.

Brace yourself for the vast coast

Alaska takes beach beauty to a whole new level of magnificent and unique. To put things in perspective, Alaska’s coastline spans across staggering 49,000 miles, which is an area that would engulf all of the USA’s coastline and then some. Most of it is uninhabited and some of it unreachable from land, but even a single cruise would get you near some of the world’s most enchanting cliffs and meandering sediments.

In fact, taking an Alaska cruise means you’ll get a glimpse of native wildlife in its natural habitat, onshore and offshore alike, absorb the views of glaciers, and admire the rugged terrain that dramatically changes from one region to another. You haven’t seen true Alaska unless you’ve seen its fjords, charming towns, and National Parks that span across the entire country. My personal favorite was the cruise into the Inside Passage, where snow-capped mountains and iridescent waves compete for your utmost admiration.

The unreachable capital of Alaska

While we’re on the subject of shore, did you know that Juneau cannot be reached by traditional means, that is, by land? Unlike any other capital of the world, this one requires some extra effort if you wish to stay there longer, work, or spend a few weeks exploring the surrounding areas. You’ll need to either fly directly to the city, take a ferry through the Alaska Marine Highway, or alternatively, visit through a cruise, since any single one of them exploring the Inside Passage will take you to the capital as well.

Although it doesn’t boast an endless list of quirky activities tourists normally enjoy, if you’re headed to Alaska, you should expect nature in all of its pristine glory, and a local experience if there ever was one. My advice? Mix and match between wildlife-spotting (whale-watching is extremely popular here) and tasting local delicacies. A trip to Alaska Brewing Company will warm you up in a matter of sips.

The nomadic challenges when visiting Alaska

Now, whether you’re staying in Juneau, Anchorage, or Fairbanks, this is no typical digital nomad spot you’ve ventured into. Of course, you’ll find that local coffee shops are indeed tantalizingly warm and comfortable, but you’ll rarely encounter too many locals at their laptops typing away. However, the recently-opened Juneau Coworking is a promising space for digital nomads who are eager to enjoy the local life of Alaska without taking a long, unpaid vacation.

This coworking space has only recently started operating, and it’s located in the Senate Mall, so if you’re planning a longer stay, it’s definitely worth looking into. On a more mood-related note, winter travelers will often find it difficult to focus, since little sunshine and plenty of snow can make you crave for yet another tropical escape.


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Bring out your inner foodie

I personally do not decide on my destinations based on the local menu, but I have to admit I do take interest in what the new country of travel has to offer each time I book my ticket. After all, it falls directly under my task of budgeting, so that I know what I’m getting myself into in case I’m planning to buy my own sustenance for the duration of my stay.

Alaska is a rather peculiar little gem when it comes to food. It’s a foodie paradise so to speak, but a very specific one for the curious souls who don’t mind trying reindeer hot dogs or anything and everything with smoked salmon. Pretty high on the “quirky foods list” is their Eskimo Ice Cream, a local delicacy made of snow, Alaskan berries, seal oil, and reindeer fat. It’s fifty-fifty in terms of the disgusting-vs-delicious ratio, but you won’t be disappointed if you give it a go.

To wrap up

If I had to summarize visiting Alaska in mere words, I’d say it’s fascinating in every way. Depicting its local vibe, the annual festivities, and the many wonderful encounters I’ve had would take a novel, not a blog post several thousand words long. Alternatively, I’d love for you to use this guide to inspire your own adventures and help others envision Alaska for what it truly is – the epitome of freedom.

About the author

Marie Nieves is a lifestyle blogger who loves unusual trips, gadgets and creative ideas. On her travels, she likes to read poetry and prose and surf the Internet. Her favourite writer is Tracy Chevalier and she always carries one of her books in her bag. She spends most of her free time at home walking her Labrador Retriever named Max. She is an avid lover of photography and a regular author at AdventureFit Travel. You can find Marie on Facebook or follow her on Twitterand Pinterest.

Digital Nomad Tools and Tips

Best Digital Nomad Gadgets

As a digital nomad, gadgets and devices can make your life so much easier. Of course, you’re also limited to space, so you need to pick digital gadgets carefully and cleverly.  

I’ve tried many different gadgets and devices over my nine years of travel and location independence, and it’s hard to keep up with the seemingly never-ending stream of new things. So I’ve listed some of the best digital nomad gadgets I personally use and recommend and have for quite some time now.

This is a list of gadgets and devices that help me stay organised and be more efficient while working remotely. As well as making my travels easier and safer!

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Must-Have Digital Nomad Gadgets

Digital Nomad Gear to Improve Your Work Productivity

First, some best gadgets for work. You should have all of these in your nomad gear pack if you’d like to work and travel with ease. These digital nomad must-haves are all gadgets that I can’t live without!

The Best Laptop for a Digital Nomad

It all starts with your laptop. There are for sure many great brands that offer travel laptops but my choice is a MacBook Air Laptop.

I bought it years ago when I lived in Perth, Western Australia, and I’ve not regretted this buy. In fact, I would get the exact same one again only with a bigger screen, as I think it makes a difference between 11″ and 13″ (mine is the smaller one).

Other than that, I think it’s the best choice for people who work remotely and travel a lot.

External Hard Drive To Keep Your Content Safe

It wouldn’t be possible for me to work remotely without my external hard disk. I use one from Toshiba that has 1TB of memory, but you’ll find a huge pool of different brands if you search for external hard drives.

Make sure to backup your files to an online platform too, in case your hard drive breaks or gets lost. For this, I use iCloud and Google Photos and try to save as many of my texts in Google drive.

External hard drive: must-have gadgets for digital nomads

Wonder how to find remote jobs? Subscribe to my email list and get a FREE copy of my guide to finding remote work!

Get a FREE copy of my guide to finding remote work

An External Hard Drive Organizer

When you live out of your suitcase, you appreciate little things that help you stay organised and control the mess. An external hard drive organizer comes in really handy to protect your external hard drive and keep your cables and USB sticks all in one place.

Comes in so handy: a little organizer bag for your external hard drive and cables! THE must-have gadget for digital nomads!

Before I got mine, I used an old first aid kit bag to store my disk. People would make jokes about how I was always prepared for an emergency when they saw me sitting in a cafe with my laptop and the fire-red first aid kit next to me! LOL

Stay Charged with a Power Bank

Working while on the road can bring quite a few challenges. Finding good WIFI or a plug to recharge your devices are probably the two most common worries for digital nomads.

So, if you want to stay on top of things you should get yourself a travel power bank to be able to recharge your phone, camera and laptop wherever and whenever you want. Power banks definitely fall into the must-have electronics category for digital nomads.

Digital Nomad Gadgets: Power bank

There are plenty of options to choose from but not all power banks are actually suitable for travelling due to their weight or size. I chose this portable charger because it allows me to charge both your laptop and phone/camera.

If you are looking for a smaller and less pricey option, I recommend the Anker PowerCore 10000, which doesn’t let you charge your laptop but is a great power bank for smartphones and tablets!

Every digital nomad and remote worker should keep up to date with new technologies and work on his personal growth. That’s why we LOVE and recommend mindvalley – the only online learning platform you can really transform your life with!

Digital Nomad Laptop Stand For When You Feel Like Working With a View

Working wherever you want is one of the best parts of being a digital nomad and I enjoy it every single day. However, I am guilty of not always choosing the smartest option for replacing a proper desk or table. Of course, you could stay in your apartment or hotel room but hammocks sometimes sound too tempting… 🙂

Digital nomad gadgets: Laptop

I suggest you opt for a healthier and more productive place to work though, in order to prevent neck or back pain! Whichever choice you make, with a small laptop like my tiny MacBook Aira laptop stand helps big time to sit up straight.

Trust me, I’ve worked in all sorts of different places all over the world, such as hotel lobbies, airports, bus stations, in cafes right by the beach or even in bed. But getting older (and wiser!?), I am now choosing co-working spaces over the above options whenever possible, and bringing my folding aluminium Macbook stand!

Digital nomad gadgets: working on my laptop at the beach in Fuerteventura
Working at the beach: great for the soul, but not so great for your back… 😉 

Travel Anywhere With a World Travel Adapter

Also very high on my list of digital nomad must-haves, and something that has been in use for quite a while: my world adapter! Wherever I go, I can put my plugs in any socket in the world and don’t have to get an adapter in every new country/continent! Really great!

Digital nomad gadgets: Always prepared with a world travel adapter

Even though you can get very cheap travel adapters in supermarkets or your next door kiosk, I wouldn’t go too cheap; those ones break easily. And who wants to go shopping for a travel adapter the first thing after arriving at your new destination!? Boring!

Pocket WIFI – So You Never Lose Connection

As mentioned above: good and reliable Internet is always a hot topic amongst digital nomads. For me, this was the number one pain in the arm before I got my mobile hotspot!

I remember that on our trip from Cancun, through Central and South America, I spent hours waiting to upload pictures to my blog. And sometimes this wasn’t even possible due to a slow connection like for example on the Galapagos Islands.

Digital nomad gadgets: A pocket wifi

Finding good WiFi gadgets is the mission of most people working remotely. For a digital nomad, WiFi is essential to get work done.

This portable hotspot is SIM-card free and even comes with 1GB initial data. I think it’s a big lifesaver or actually, a huge time saver!

A Backpack Organizer

Oh, this one is one of my favourite little gadgets (perhaps the least necessary one, but I still love it!)! My backpack organizer:

Digital nomad gadgets: Stay organized and controll the mess!

This little helper I find equally useful like the above mentioned external hard drive organizer, but this one lets you literally fix everything small to the straps: from a lip balm, pens, cables to USB sticks or even a small camera. Goodbye, long searches for your stuff or messy carry-on luggage!

Again, you’ll appreciate those type of things, even more, when you have lived out of your bag for quite a while.

Noise-Cancelling Headphones

Working anywhere other than an office (or perhaps your home) can mean a lot of noise and thus a lot of distraction. So, I recommend creating your own personal creative space by using this noise-cancelling gadget.

Of course, headphones use up more space than earphones but I find it’s so worth it: my noise-cancelling headphones help me stay focused every time I work from a busy cafe, airport, hotel lobby etc. This is something every digital nomad should get!

Digital nomad gadgets: noise-cancelling earphones to stay focused while working remotely!

If you prefer earphones instead, then you’ll find plenty of different types and it comes down to your personal taste which ones you like best. For me, I prefer the actual headphones over earphones. For some reason, the latter never stay in my ear and fall out as soon as I move...

Are you an (aspiring) digital nomad with a (travel) blog? Then you are the perfect fit for my Facebook group where we discuss social media marketing and how it can be strategically used to drive traffic to your site! Request to join:

Join my private Facebook group for digital nomads and travel bloggers


2. Digital Nomad Essentials for Travel

There are so many helpful things you could get to make your trips safer and more comfortable. Perhaps I’ll write another post for nomad travel gear one day. But today, I share just a few great travel gadgets that I think are useful and necessary when travelling long-term.

Add these items to your digital nomad packing list for a smoother, stress-free travel experience.

A Camera to Capture Your Adventures

This is the newest amongst my digital nomad gadgets and I am really excited to have this baby on board! For the past six years, I had been eying other people with their wide-angle zoom cameras. It’s become a gadget I can’t live without.

I wanted one too, but I always decided against one. Simply because I thought they are too big, too heavy and too nerve-wracking to carry along (considering their value!).

But… now, since we have our little nomad baby in our lives, who is determining our pace and travel style, I thought it was time to upgrade our travel gear.

Digital nomad gadgets: My Canon camera, my baby!

Before that, we would use a Nikon 1 J5 Mirrorless Digital Camera which is a great camera, especially for videos. In fact, according to the sales guy I remember, it is one of the best 4k cameras of that size!

Digital nomad gadgets: a small but really potent travel camera

I’d say, get a small camera at first and see if you like photography at all. And then, you can always get a bigger and more professional one later. It’s definitely a lot easier to travel with a small camera, for sure, the pictures’ quality increase a lot though! Ah, your call!

Luggage Scale So There Won’t Be Any Surprises at the Airport

Honestly, get yourself a luggage weigher! It’s possibly the best travel gadget. You wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve had to unpack and re-organise my luggage at the airport before I got one of these! Seriously, it’s a small tool that can save you a lot of time (and money!).

In the Philippines, for example, did we fly a lot between the different islands and were travelling with only a carry-on bag! For some reason, I managed to get to the airport always with more stuff in my suitcase.

Air Asia is very strict and lets you only take 7kg, which is NOT a lot, considering the weight of your beach towel alone! So each time, I had to get out some clothes to meet the 7kg (and then board the plane with 10 layers of extra clothes looking like a complete fool!) Get a luggage weigher, seriously!

Stay on Time with a Travel Alarm Clock

When you go on vacation, the last thing you think about is getting up early, I know. But as soon as travelling becomes part of your lifestyle, you’re back to ‘normal’ things like getting up early. True story!

So, I’d say, get yourself a travel alarm clock to never miss a plane or train and which is also great if you need to save battery on your phone.

Digital nomad gadgets: travel alarm clock

And to be honest, sleeping in when you’re in paradise spots like this one, would be a waste of time anyways!

What are your must-have digital nomad gadgets? I am sure, there are many more that are not on this list! Leave a comment and share your thoughts, thanks and happy travels!

Best digital nomad gadgets I can't live without
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Destination Guides Digital Nomad Top Travel Posts

The Philippines, Every Digital Nomad’s Dream Workation Great WIFI - even at the beach!

When it comes to working remotely, picking the right place is crucial. Finding somewhere that offers a great working environment as well as new experiences and adventures is what we all aim for. Which is why I’m sharing why everyone should spend some time in the Philippines, digital nomads especially.

To be fair, you have to be careful about choosing the right island, because Internet connectivity varies a lot. But don’t worry, there are places that have it all! Read on if you want to find out how to combine the perfect island escape, with some efficient work hours!

Being A Digital Nomad In The Philippines: Work, Play And Enjoy

Let’s be honest, the whole digital nomad lifestyle only makes sense if you fully embrace the fact that you are location-independent. So, why spend your days in a noisy city if natural beauty is your thing?

At least for my taste, I can get so much more out of it, if I’m in a relaxing and beautiful environment. Surrounded by palm trees and the sound of ocean waves, I just simply seem to function better.

That’s why I loved our one month trip to the Philippines in October. It was the perfect mixture of getting some serious workload off my chest, while successfully improving my suntan. Almost every day, we enjoyed a swim in the ocean and a long walk at the beach, while also being productive a few hours each day. That is my definition of a perfect life-work-balance.

Plus, we got to spend three days with 400 fellow travel bloggers in Manila, networking with companies from the travel industry at TBEX, “The World’s Largest Gathering Of Travel Bloggers, Writers, New Media Content Creators, And Social Media Savvy Travel Industry Professionals.” A perfect wrap-up of what it is like to be a TBEX newbie is coming soon. So stay tuned!

Back to our reasons why it’s so much more fun in the Philippines! Let’s start with my favorite part, the beach:


1) 7641 Philippines Islands For Digital Nomads To Choose From!

If yIf you have been following my blog then you might know by now that I am an absolute beach bum and sun follower. Recently, I got 20 of my travel blogger friends to tell me their top 5 beaches from around the world, in order to get more inspiration and extend my bucket list. But that’s a whole other story.

Our Favorite Island

In the Philippines, we visited many places but if I had to pick one favorite, it would be Kalanggaman Island, a small island an hour from Leyte Island.

It’s a hidden gem and I’d say it’s an absolute insider tip that you should keep to yourself for now or only share it with your best friends. So, yes, you are now part of the inner circle and if you still hesitate, let me show you why you should go to Kalanggaman Island at least once in your life.


What I love about traveling is when I discover places that are not yet overrun by tourists. To be honest, I’d rather be on a deserted island than sipping a cocktail on a beach chair next to hundreds of others. Perhaps that’s why I loved it so much on the Galapagos Islands this year in March.

Robinson Crusoe for one day: take a break from your WIFI addiction!

On Kalanggaman Island you (still) don’t have to elbow your way through to the water, it actually gives you the feeling that Robinson Crusoe must have had.

Things To Do On Kalanggaman Island

There are no restaurants, sleeping facilities, or any running water on the island. Ok, so you will have to forget about WIFI and your work for a day or two! But if you hire a tent or bring your own, you can play castaway for a night! And if you stay only for the day and get bored of lying on your beach towel all day, you can go snorkelling, rent a stand-up paddleboard or even go scuba diving.

For advice and help, the friendly staff at Leyte Gulf Travel and Tour are happy to assist you. It’s totally doable to organize everything on your own though, but they are there to makes things easier during your time in Leyte, not just at Kalanggaman! How to get to Kalanggaman Island

How To Get To Kalanggaman Island:

  • On the Island of Leyte, you take a bus from Tacloban City to Palompon (3 hours). Then hop on a boat (1 hour). Done!
  • Hire a van from one of the well-known companies, Grandtours or Havens, in Tacloban City for about P300 round trip.
  • Make a reservation for your boat at the Eco-Tourism office a day or two in advance. They monitor the number of people and limit it to 500 per day. So, especially in high season be prepared and book in advance.
  • The price for the boat (for a maximum of 15 people) is P3000, so be sure to make friends beforehand and split the cost! Where to stay on Kalanggaman Island

Where To Stay And What To Do On Kalanggaman Island:

  • We stayed in Tacloban City at XYZ Hotel, which is not a budget accommodation but includes a yummy breakfast buffet and pool on the rooftop. Check out their availability for your travel dates.
  • If you prefer to stay in Palompon, there is Pacci Hotel – a local’s recommendation, check the reviews and prices here.
  • If I go back one day to visit the island, I’d prefer to stay in Palompon. This saves you the long bus ride in the morning. You simply hop onto a boat after you wake up and enjoy the beauty of the island for a whole day.
  • On second thought, I’ll be bringing my tent and sleep on the island – a unique experience for sure!

2) Friendly; Friendlier; The Philippines!

Beautiful landscape and dreamy beaches are only half of your travel experience. It’s mostly the people around you who can turn a trip into an unforgettable memory.

At least, this was my experience in the Philippines. Asia-lovers already know that there is some sort of special kindness and friendliness towards travellers in countries like Thailand and Indonesia.

Yet, I got the feeling that it is almost a tad more genuine or intense in the Philippines than anywhere I’ve been in Asia.

Friendly people in the Philippines

3.) Food Heaven – Delicious Taste Will Make Your Senses Go Wild!

Now, there could be a whole blog post about this topic, but I will keep it short and simple: O-M-G! Think delicious spices, mixed with fresh vegetables and seafood, plus a portion of love. The food in the Philippines is absolutely delicious.

And if coconuts, mangos, curries and seafood are your thing, welcome to paradise! So, while you are working hard on your digital nomad projects, rest assured that your nutrition will be well balanced!

One of my favorite food experiences was the so-called “Boodle Fight.” Everyone stands in front of a table that is covered with big banana leaves. On top of the leaves, you’ll find fresh seafood, a mixture of vegetables and fruits, delicious sauces and plenty of rice.

Now, the best part is that you get to eat with your hands! Perhaps that is where the name comes from… although we didn’t end up fighting with each other. Fighting with ourselves to learn how to elegantly shuffle rice with sauce into our mouths, on the other hand, was a different story! Boodle Fight and other food delights

4) Great WiFi For Working Nomads On Philippine’s Best Beaches

Let’s go once again back to this topic: the beach. I know, I’ve said it before, but it’s so hard to pick one favourite in a place of almost countless islands. Living nomadic in the Philippines means you’ll need to fit some work into your visit.

So, I thought I would give you a few more examples, in case you decided to try to combine your work with a vacation hotspot.

Best beaches in the Philippines

4 Good Places To Combine Relaxation With Work

Of course, you need to get some work done (hence the ‘workation’), but you can’t miss out on the relaxing and enjoying either. Here are the best places to visit for both working and relaxing.


While this is not the beach escape I mentioned earlier, I want to start with the country’s capital as an exception.

Manila lies right at the ocean, but it’s not recommended to take a dip there. It used to have the cleanest waterfront in Asia but that was a long time ago.

Yet, if you want to get into vacation mode (perhaps you don’t ever get out of it as you are continuously travelling like me) then the Belmont Hotel gives you an introduction to Filipino diversity.

It’s a five-star hotel close to the airport where we were hosted a couple of nights during TBEX. The rooftop pool and great WiFi made me want to stay longer…Check for availability here.


Of course, I was glad to leave the city in order to fully immerse in the more natural side of the Philippines! Bohol is an island south of Manila.

We flew into Cebu and took a short ferry ride to neighboring Bohol. This green island is famous for its funky little mountains that are known as the “Chocolate Hills”. Due to a current project, we skipped the tour to the mountains and stayed at our accommodation by the beach.

TIP: Skip Alona Beach! It’s plastered with hotels, boats, and vendors. The West coast around Momo Beach is almost deserted and has nice waters to swim in!


Bantayan Island:

An odyssey later, we arrived on an island Northwest of Cebu Island. Bantayan Island seems to be slowly moving its way into the radar of travellers.

The people on the island seem to be preparing for the big tourist rush, with many new hotels and beach bungalows under construction during our stay. The ones that are already up and running are mostly spread out along the beach.

We stayed a few days at Marlin Beach Resort and enjoyed a good WiFi connection right at the beach. Check their availability for your travel dates here.

TIP: Break up your journey or start as early as possible in the morning! The traffic in Cebu city is horrendous! It took us almost two hours to get from the ferry dock (coming from Bohol) out of Cebu city. The bus ride up to the North also was longer than the expected 3 hours. In the end, we missed the last ferry (at 5 PM) and had to stay in a little harbour town to wait for the next ferry in the morning. Great WIFI on Bantayan Island

Leyte Island:

Sad but true, this island was put into the center of the world’s attention only after it got struck by typhoon Yolanda in 2013.

Three years later, the terrible disaster that took many lives is almost invisible, and the optimism of the people who survived and still live there is incredible.

If you want to experience genuine happiness shown to you by welcoming locals and watch a flourishing variety of tourist activities, then you should pay a visit to Leyte. Small cafes, with a great work-space atmosphere in Tacloban and good WiFi, lush nature and crystal clear water are at your doorstep. Your next digital nomad base: the Philippines

Quirky Facts about the Philippines that will blow your mind!

Travelling is about widening your horizon, right?

For me, it is the most entertaining way to learn new things. Like I said before; the number of islands you find in the Philippines seems infinite.

If you wanted to spend one day on each of the 7641 islands (including the 534 recently discovered,) it would take you over 20 years! Wouldn’t that be a great nomad challenge!?

This huge amount of islands naturally creates a vast cultural diversity and many firsts. You will be able to say without a blink: the Philippines are unique and one of a kind.

Some facts about the Philippines you didn’t know:

  • There are 170 different languages spoken and only two official ones: Filipino and English.
  • Nowhere else in the world will you find so many different dialects in one nation: more than 500.
  • Some Filipinos don’t even understand each other when they speak in their home dialect.
  • From June to December is typhoon season – the Filipinos name those heavy winds from A-Z. Each year they get through the whole the alphabet.
  • The Filipinos start their Christmas preparations on the 1st of September. You’ll see Christmas trees and decorations everywhere while listening to Jingle Bells & Co!
  • The Philippines have one of the world’s largest population (over 100 millions), but you can still find deserted islands and beaches because in total the area is big enough to not make it feel crowded.

Chasing work-life-balance

So, who is up for a workation in the Philippines?
Hopefully this post got you into the mood… Let me know how your workation goes!



Check out A 13-Day Workation on the Atlantic where you can read about a cool cruise from Columbia to Portugal with 200 fellow digital nomads.

Or perhaps you’re still deciding if the digital nomad lifestyle is for you, read here how Five years of full-time travelling have changed my life.

Pin it and save it for later! Pin it and save it for later

PIN IT A workation guide for digital nomads

Thank you TPB Philippines for this great trip to Leyte Island.
Like always, all opinion are MY OWN. So, to everyone else, no worries on biases or BS, you won’t find that here. I keep this real. Thanks for the support!

General Family Travel Tips Travel

5 Things To Know When Planning Your Trip to Bangkok, Thailand

Planning a trip to Bangkok? This city is so diverse and exciting, you’ll be surprised what it all has on offer for you. When I first visited in 2011, I stayed on one of the most popular tourist streets, the famous Khao San Road, and I could have sat there and people watch the whole day. Delicious street food (so cheap too!), fresh fruit juices, vendors, restaurant and bars – this street is a compressed version of the whole city. Before you go, make sure you know a little bit about the city that never sleeps. In this guest post, you will learn about the five things you should know when you go on a trip to Bangkok.

Golden temple in Bangkok, Thailand. Trip to Bangkok

Are you one of the lucky few who get to work as a digital nomad while visiting exotic destinations like Thailand? If you’re headed for Bangkok, you can be sure that your trip will be a captivating one. It’s a place where you can enjoy open markets, exotic dishes, and fascinating temples.

If you’re a digital traveller who wants to make sure to have a good trip where you can both work and enjoy the city, the following tips will help. They are just some of the things that you must do while in the city, what to watch out for, and how to make the most of your time:

You’ll want to learn some words before arriving

While many people in Bangkok speak English, it’s always a sign of respect to learn the language. Learning to speak fluently may not be possible before you arrive, but learning simple words and phrases can go far in helping you to adapt to the country, gain respect from locals, and even bargain at markets. If you plan on staying a while in the country, learning to speak Thai is a great idea.

Basic Thai phrases to get you by when on a trip to Bangkok:

Sawatdee (krub/kah)  Hello
Sabai dee ru (krub/kah)  How are you?
Sabai dee (krub/kah)  Fine
Khob Khun (kup/kaa) Thank you
chai Yes
mai chai
dai (you/ I) can
mai dai can not
mai pen rai 
never mind (handy all purpose phrase to express the Thai go-with-the-flow attitude)
pood Thai mai dai I can not speak Thai.
kow jai mai do you understand?
mai kow jai I do not understand
nee Tao Rai? How much?
pang expensive
pang mak very expensive
lot noi dai mai can you give a little discount
took cheap
naam water
chok dee good luck
sanaam bin Airport
ron hot
nao cold
hong naam toilet
naam keng ice
nit noi small – not much – a little bit
yai large
bia beer
soopburi smoke (inhale cigarette smoke)
neung 1
haa 5
hok 6
yee sip
saam sip

Source: Tripadvisor.

You can’t leave Bangkok without visiting the markets

When people ask you, “why to travel to Bangkok,” you can be sure one reason is to get to know a new culture. As you consider unique and captivating experiences to be had, you’ll want to put “visit markets” on your list. There are markets of every kind, from food to souvenirs, as well as night markets, day markets, and even floating markets. A favourite market for many locals is the Amphawa Floating Market, where you can find anything from food to souvenirs.


Bangkok Chinatown is located along Yaowarat Road. It is the hub of street food
Bangkok Chinatown is located along Yaowarat Road. It is the hub of street food © pexels


A visit to the temples is worth it, but you don’t have to visit all of them

There are several temples in Bangkok and in the entire country, so unless you have a fascination with temples and want to make that your priority, you could stick to a few favourites to save time. Wat Phra Kaew is one that you should make a priority, along with the Grand Palace. Wat Arun is also a top choice for many visitors and is located right next to the river. If you plan on living there for an extended period of time, there will be time to see them all if you so wish, but if you’re just visiting, there are many more places that you’ll want to see while in the city, so pace yourself.


Get Your Guide


Prepare coworking spaces ahead of time

Bangkok is not just a tourist city. It turned to a startup hub of Southeast Asia too. As you consider the idea of working remotely while travelling around Bangkok, you can trust that it will be an unforgettable experience. Of course, you’ll also want to realize that it won’t be the same as working back home. But, there are many good cafes around the city that can offer you more than just a good coffee.

You’ll be busy and will want your co-working space to be close to where you’re staying. You may have a favourite coffee shop to work at back home, but that specific one isn’t found here. While it will require you to do some research beforehand, you can find great co-working spaces that are worth your time in the ideal area for you. These spaces don’t cost much and help you make sure that you have a great place to work while in Bangkok.

The colorful taxis can be mostly seen everywhere in Bangkok, be sure to go with meter on your trip to Bangkok
The colourful taxis can be mostly seen everywhere in Bangkok, be sure to go with meter © pixabay


Learn how to bargain on your trip to Bangkok

As you enjoy the lifestyle of the wireless workforce who can live anywhere they want, you may appreciate spending less in Thailand. With that being said, there will be some locals who will want to charge you more for the simple fact that you are a foreigner. Avoid spending more than you should be, by taking your time to bargain. You can also find better prices in different places, as many places offer a “best deal,” so whether it’s lodging or food, you could spend less with a bit of research. Thailand isn’t expensive but if you happen to be travelling on a budget, it’s always a good idea to save a few dollars whenever you can.

For the most part, Thailand is the ideal destination for the digital nomad. Why you will want to know what to be careful in Bangkok, other than pickpockets and the occasional scooter accident, it’s a country with friendly people and beautiful destinations. If you want to be able to visit a nearby beach and lounge around after a work week or enjoy eating some of the best cuisines in the world, Bangkok may be the country for you.

As with any country that you go to, you’ll want to respect the laws and customs, but most of all, you want to enjoy Thailand and make it feel like home. Immerse yourself in the culture, visit nature, enjoy the food, and if you have time, don’t forget to take a trip to Chiang Mai, Phuket or Koh Samui. Thank your lucky stars that you’ve been blessed to work anywhere you find a wireless connection and this often means getting to experience exotic locations like Bangkok. Happy travelling!



5 Things to Know When Planning a Trip to Bangkok


About the author: Riya is an inspired writer, passionate about travelling, lifestyle and encouraging startups. She is currently in Thailand. As a freelancer, she understands the importance of productivity at work. Riya never stopped finding new ways to create her work productivity. Twitter, @sanderriya.



Destination Guides Digital Nomad

6 Months in New Caledonia as a Digital Nomad: the Pacific Island Paradise

Generally speaking, I’d say that remote work is the most exciting career path anyone can take, but I would be lying to myself if I didn’t say that the level of excitement will oftentimes depend on the destination you’re about to call your home for the next few months. I would also be caught with my pants on fire if I didn’t say that I was a bit apprehensive about taking such a long trip to a completely unknown location in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

After all, who knows how good the Wi-Fi connection is on a small island paradise in the Southern Hemisphere – arguably a digital nomad’s most relevant concern. Little did I know that this would be one of the most enjoyable and rewarding experiences of my life, culturally, spiritually, gastronomically (dear god, I can still taste that delicious Bougna) and of course, professionally. Here is my take on New Caledonia as a destination for digital nomads, and how you can have a blast living, working, and partying in this little piece of heaven in the Pacific.

Infinity pool overlooking the pacific ocean with a young woman inside

Noumea: a place to live, laugh, and work

Check it, I’m not just a traveller, I also have to make a living, and that requires a stable Wi-Fi connection and a relatively peaceful place to focus and get things done. So, if you were to think that I was staying anywhere else on the island except the capital itself, you would be mistaken. Generally, I heard the internet connection here is not that great, averaging at about 3mbps, so I didn’t want to take any chances.

As for accommodation, the city is full of mainstream hotel brands just dying for you to experience their version of the local culture, which is why I stayed clear of them from the get-go and I advise you to do the same.

Once you settle into a nice Airbnb or a local’s apartment, you can move on to the exploration of this charming urban gem. As for the livability part, the people are friendly, the Wi-Fi is stable, and the city streets are teeming with life at every corner. 

Get €25 in travel credit towards your next trip when you sign up for Airbnb using my referral link: or

Find the best deal, compare prices, and read what other travellers have to say at TripAdvisor

cristal clear water, paradise beach, a boat anchoring on a small white sand beach

The culinary delights, the sweet summer wine

If you’re a foodie traveller, you’re bound to feel right at home here. The fusion of French and traditional Melanesian cuisine is simply bewildering, to say the least, and if nothing else, it’s bound to tease your taste buds in new, exciting ways. Here are some of the culinary treats I learned to cook during my stay, but you can find them at any restaurant:

    • Bougna. Remember how at the beginning I said that I can still taste the Bougna in my mouth when I think of New Caledonia? Yeah, I wasn’t kidding. This traditional dish belongs to the Kanak people if I’m not mistaken, and it’s made out of chicken or lobster (although other variations exist) sprinkled with coconut milk and stewed in banana leaves. Yum!
    • Snails from the Isle of Pines. More on the enchanting islet later on, but for now let’s just stop to acknowledge just how amazing this culinary masterpiece actually is! Honestly, I wasn’t too big on the whole eating-a-snail thing at first, but hubby over here made sure I tried the dish at least once. I wasn’t disappointed, that’s for sure, and the large snails simmered in French wine and garlic really offer something different to your taste buds.
    • Bat stew. Yes, bat stew. Just forget you’ve read that for a moment and focus on the tender marinated meat roasting on the fire, offering quite a punch in terms of flavour and aroma. It’s amazing, to say the least. One little side note: tribespeople eat the meat with the fur still on, but you don’t have to.
  • Poe. Pronounced “poe-ay”, this is a traditional dessert made with pumpkins or bananas enriched with coconut cream. Delish.

palm tree, small sand beach, a few people in the water

Revelling in the beauty of Isle of Pines

If you come to New Caledonia to live and work, you mustn’t skip a day-long excursion to the neighbouring Isle of Pines, arguably the most enchanting place I’ve ever laid eyes on. This place is heaven on Earth, and you can discover the intricate beauty of the Isle of Pines in a myriad of ways. One of the most mesmerizing natural settings I had the pleasure of visiting here is, of course, La Piscine Naturelle (Natural Pool), a small saltwater lake residing on the eastern fringe of the island.

I dare you to resist the urge to dive right into the crystal-clear, shallow waters surrounded by lines of pine trees casting a beautiful shade on the surface – it’s impossible! The entire islet is so breathtakingly beautiful, that if there was a chance to live and work there, I’m not sure I would have gone back to the main island at all. While there, don’t forget to visit the Statue of St. Maurice, and even explore the island by air if you’re not terribly afraid of heights like me.

Book your accommodation here!

a close-up of an animal skull, in the background the ocean and a piece of sand

Lounging at the beaches of the main island

It wouldn’t have been an exotic remote work escapade if I hadn’t taken my time exploring the honey-hued beaches of the main island, ranging from the port in Noumea itself, all the way to the never-ending stretches of sand overlooking the expansive ocean on either side of the island.

If I could recommend a beach you should definitely visit, one which is close, convenient, and long enough to help you avoid the crowds even during those incessant peak tourist months of the year, it would have to be Poe Beach to the north of Noumea. This ten-kilometre stretch of pearly-white sand is bound to steal your heart, and the view from here is just mesmerizing – not to mention that the water is warm, crystal-clear, and full of friendly critters.


6 months in New Caledonia as a digital nomad

Exploring the cultural heritage of the region

Last but not least, I should note that experiencing the culture here can be tricky business. I guess it depends who you tag along with really, as there are many different ways to get your taste of Caledonian heritage. On one hand, you have the unmistakable French cultural influence that permeates the region (after all, this is their colony), and on the other, you can witness the struggle of the indigenous Kanak people to preserve their cultural identity.

Luckily, the Kanaks are being increasingly represented in recent years, as I’ve heard, because they attract tourists. Whether the reasons for preserving their cultural heritage are honourable or not, you will still have the chance to experience their traditional song, dance, and rituals.

In retrospect

Thinking back on my time spent in New Caledonia, I can safely say that it was one of the most exciting experiences of my life. If you’re looking for a mix of adventure, exploration, pure hedonism, AND want to get some work done in the process, well, this is the place to be.

So, what do you think about a New Caledonian adventure? Are you up for an exotic challenge? Don’t be shy and share your opinions down below!

About the author

Marie Nieves is a lifestyle blogger who loves unusual trips, gadgets and creative ideas. On her travels, she likes to read poetry and prose and surf the Internet. Her favourite writer is Tracy Chevalier and she always carries one of her books in her bag. She spends most of her free time at home walking her Labrador Retriever named Max. She is an avid lover of photography and a regular author at AdventureFit Travel. You can find Marie on Facebook or follow her on Twitter and Pinterest.


What to do when visiting Guyana

Now, Guyana is already exotic and probably not your common travel destination. Perhaps you haven’t even considered travelling there because it is certainly one of those ‘off-the-beaten-path‘ locations. Hopefully, after reading this post, you reconsider and even spice up your next trip or vacation with a completely new experience: going really local and living on one of Guyana’s many ranches. Yipee yayo, Cowboys, who is down for some dusty horse-fun in South America?

This is a syndicated article and was originally posted on the website of Guyana Tourism.

No time to read it now? Pin this and save it for later!


Living the Ranch Life

South Rupununi, in the lower part of Guyana, is starkly different from the dense green rainforests of the north of the country. This is a land rich in traditions and where the wild ways from the turn of the 20th century endure. No matter which way you look, you see an endless golden-brown savannah and low blue hills circling them at the horizon. The sky hangs spectacularly low, making sunrises and sunsets stuff that photography fantasies are made of. It is a place that is sure to get under your skin and remain etched in your memory!

Cattle and cowboys - visiting Guyana can be a real unique experience

A bit about the history of Guyana’s ranches

South Rupununi is the land where the rich ranching traditions of Guyana really began. It was at Dadanawa Ranch at the edge of the Rupununi River, that pioneered the vaquero lifestyle. Previously home to the Indigenous people of the region, the name Dadanawa is a distortion of local Wapishana Indigenous ‘Dadinauwau’, which translates as ‘macaw spirit creek hill’.

A trading post in the 1800s it was sold with 300 cattle heads to a man called H.P.C. Melville before the turn of the century. Today, the ranch has more than 5,000 heads of cattle that roam the 1,750 square miles of the area. Barefoot vaqueros still take care of the ranch in the traditional ways and are happy to show guests a slice of their life.

Horsing around while visiting Guyana

What to do on a ranch while visiting Guyana?

There is plenty to do at a ranch for a visitor:

  • helping around in the main house
  • planting peanuts or other crops
  • cleaning and feeding the cattle, pigs, poultry and the horses
  • or just relaxing under the milky sky at night

Other ranches soon sprang up in the Rupununi, following Dadanawa’s example. Saddle Mountain, Karanambu, Manari, Waikin and many others are scattered around Lethem, the main town and air node to the South Rupununi. Each ranch has fascinating stories to recount and makes for a great stop during your visit to the region. Most visitors cover at least two ranches during a trip to the region for a truly immersive experience.

Every cowboy needs to relax - visiting Guyana doesn't have to be stressful after all!

A true local experience

Running a ranch is hard work. Daily tasks of the vaquero ‘cowboys’ start in the early hours of the morning. Cleaning, feeding, giving medicines and taking the cattle out for feeding take up considerable time. But it is also the perfect time to hone your riding skills. Trained riders love the terrain of the ranches, but the vaqueros are happy to help amateurs learn the basics. If you are really keen to experience the awesome riding skills of the local vaqueros, then plan a visit to the Rupununi for Sand Creek Rodeo and Rupununi Rodeo during Easter.


Do you still need the appropriate outfit for your ranch live?

There are plenty of other attractions that you can explore while staying in one of the many experiential ranches of the Rupununi. Here are a few that you should not miss:

Birding and Wildlife

The vast stretch of savannah and the thickets of forests in between are excellent for bird watching. There are more than 400 species of birds that are found in the South Rupununi region, including the lesser-spotted endangered red siskin. Tiger-herons, jacanas and even the elusive harpy eagle often make appearances. Jaguars, anteaters, labias, capybaras, anacondas and caimans are another draw for the nature and wildlife lover.

When visiting Guyana don't miss out on birdwatching on one of the many rivers
Karanambu Ranch Savannah, Rupununi, Guyana, South America

Fishing while visiting Guyana

Locals continue to hunt for their own food. Fishing is a big part of this. Spending the day with local indigenous people, cruising the rivers in a slim dugout canoe, fishing for giant catfish, peacock bass, and the occasional piranha is a thrilling experience. Thick primary forest and mangroves overhung with creepers, make the river settings really extraordinary. Knowing that the waters are filled with caimans and giant river otters, turns most fishing excursions into exciting wildlife spotting adventures.

A fisherman on a river - when visiting Guyana you'll be taken back in time

Go on a hike when you are visiting Guyana

The hills in the Rupununi region are excellent for hikes. The Bone and Skulls Mountain off Shulainab, close to Saddle Mountain, is where one can see ancient indigenous burial sites. Thousand-year-old skulls and bones lie encased in small and large earthen pots to this day. The Moco Moco Mountain off Lethem is another great place for a day hike or the beginning of a multi-day trek. Regardless of your level of fitness, make an effort to reach the top of the mountain, as the views of the sprawling carpet of green, thick jungles below are absolutely stunning!

Even the wildlife will be exceptional when you are visiting Guyana
Giant Anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) & Vaquero or Cowboy, Savannah Rupununi, Guyana. South America

This remote part of the world, rich in its ancient ranching traditions is definitely one of the most memorable parts of visiting Guyana. So if your itching to wear that cowboy hat and boots, then we suggest go ahead and plan a visit to the ranches of the Rupununi.

Here are some travel tips for visiting Guyana and a list of top things to do in the country. 

Travel Better in Guyana: Guyana is working hard to conserve its vibrant wildlife and ecosystems and protect its culture and heritage. We realize that it is often difficult to understand how you can support these aims and make a difference when you travel.  That’s why we’ve set out to help you by creating Visitor Guidelines for Sustainable Travel. All passionate globetrotters, curious culture seekers, and bold adventurers are encouraged to do all you can to leave a positive impact on the people and places you visit in Guyana. 


For more South American Travel Tips, check out these posts:

Fancy a trip to the Galapagos Islands but are you scared it will be too expensive? Great news! You can get to this absolutely unique island paradise on a budget! Click HERE to read our post!

Are Islands your thing? Here is a list of the most mysterious islands around the world!

Digital Nomad Tools and Tips

How To Connect And Expand Your Digital Nomad Network

-This post was last updated on the 18th of April 2020-

When you are constantly on the move, it is hard to connect with a digital nomad network, right?


There are plenty of ways to connect with other people and grow your business network even if you are a remotely working nomad. This post is about how you can use live events and social platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook to network and grow your brand awareness.

First, let’s start with what a professional business network is, for those who aren’t sure.

What Is A Professional Network

What is networking, and how does it work?

Great question!

A professional network is a group of people you are connected to – for professional business reasons. Your network would include anyone who is like-minded and can help you move forward in your profession as a digital nomad.

This digital nomad network should be more than just a collection of names: it should be a collective of other professionals that you have formed a relationship with. There should be mutual respect and trust built in a business environment with everyone in your business network.

Your network, if done properly, will be a goldmine of referrals and work leads, as well as advise and knowledge shared.

How To Network Professionally

While everyone has their own networking technique, here are some pointers if you aren’t sure how to start:

  • Use all available options – you’ll read more about networking opportunities below, use all of these to their full potential and you’ll find yourself with a full and resourceful network.
  • Connect on a personal level – as we said above, you need to create relationships with your network. Don’t expect someone to be a connection simply because you send them an email or two.
  • Keep in contact – on that note, make sure you stay in contact with your connections as well. You don’t need to message them every day, but be sure to make contact once in a while to ensure you don’t become strangers.
  • Give as much (or more) than you take – your network works best when you have value to offer to your connections as much as they have to offer you.

Why Professional Networking Is Important

A professional network can help you in so many areas. When you’re a digital nomad, your network is most likely what will help you gain more work. Finding clients through recommendations and referrals is a great way to get work.

Expand Your Network As Working Nomad

Ok, so we know WHY you need a business network, but HOW do you expand your professional network? Read on to learn more…

Building A Network At Live Events

I will state the obvious now: meeting with someone in person is simply the best way of building your business network. As much as I am a digital gal’, you’ll leave a deeper impression and get a real feel for the other person when you get to talk to someone face to face.

This year, I was invited to one of the featured speakers in Chiang Mai, Thailand, at the Nomad Summit, one of the largest conferences for digital nomads. And you know what? It’s such a game-changer to meet people in real life.

During the three-day conference, I had so many great and inspiring conversations, met potential business partners, got invitations to press trips, made friends and learned from the many informative workshops.

It was my third time attending such an event – and for the second time, I was part of the speaker crew like at TBEX Ostrava. I wrote a full article about our experience during this one travel blogger event in the Philippines.

Last year’s speech was about ‘How to drive traffic to your blog with social media’.

Download my entire speech here!

And this year in Chiang Mai, I talked about how you can use social media to create and boost your online presence. Check out this video to see my full presentation in Chiang Mai:

Networking Methods While at a Conference Like TBEX or Nomad Summit

  • Make your time count:

Come to such an event with a business mindset. Ask yourself before the event who are the people I want to talk to? What session do I want to attend?

  • Practice your elevator pitch:

There are many small talk situation where you will casually have to answer questions like who you are, what you do and why you are here. So, make the most out of these situations and include all the details that make your brand unique. You never know if the person you just met at the lunch buffet might be the DMO of your next travel destination.

  • Dress professionally and wear comfy shoes:

You’ll walk a lot during these types of events, so choose some shoes that won’t bother you after a while. Also, your first impression counts and the people you meet might make their decision to work with you, or not, based on your professional appearance. So, even if the overall topic of a conference like TBEX is travel, leave your tank tops and board shorts at home!

  • Don’t be shy:

I know it might be a bit frightening to talk to random strangers. But if you get there with a mindset to go back home with new and valuable contacts, there is no way around it: you’ll have to talk to other people. News flash: Everyone else is in the same situation, and most people don’t bite. So, relax and enjoy meeting many inspiring people!

Live Events Summary:

‘Surround yourself with quality people.’

Tony Robbins

This quote by Tony Robbins stresses a core ability that successful people master when building their business network. It applies to real life but also online platforms, choosing the ‘right’ contacts to connect with is crucial as a digital nomad to build a tribe around yourself. Not only can they potentially lead to future paid projects, but you will also be able to rely on a strong foundation.

Most of my clients and many collaborations come to life because of the connections I’ve made. Vitamin B is key. So, try to look at Facebook and LinkedIn as your online bazaar for new business connections and focus on those who will benefit you as a brand.

Are we connected yet?

There are many other great conferences for digital nomads throughout the year. Click here to see a list of events in 2020 to get inspired and make a wishlist for next year.

A bunch of people wearing hats in a small hat factory in the Czech Republic
A great way to grow your business network – or make new friends – is actually AFTER the conference is over! This picture was taken in a hat factory during our FAM trip after TBEX. Aren’t we crazy hats, I mean, cats?

Professional Networking Online – Using Social Platforms to Network Yourself

There is a clear go-to platform when it comes to building a professional network and that is LinkedIn.

Social media expert Andrew Chow says, ‘LinkedIn is like your virtual CV, you need to showcase what you have on offer and why people should work with you.’

With a few simple but effective strategies you can make your LinkedIn profile work for you and attract the right people. Check out my LinkedIn profile to get inspired.

Building Your Professional Network on LinkedIn:

  • To use LinkedIn in your favour, you’ll want to be active on the platform. Andrew suggests posting once a day before 9 am and providing valuable statements along with industry insights to your audience.
  • Always behave professionally and showcase your expertise.
  • Remember to think about the bigger picture before you post: will this statement/ article that I am going to share help to solve a problem/inspire or motivate my audience?
  • In my case, as a travel blogger, Andrew suggests showcasing my 20 best travel articles in order to attract the right brands and tourism boards. This way, it becomes immediately clear what Jey Jetter stands for and this way they’ll know what standard of writing/work they can expect from me when they collaborate with me.

Additionally, it is useful to list specific keywords in the skills sections. So, again, for me, that means to mention long-term travel, nomadic life, digital nomad tips as opposed to a generic keyword like ‘travel’.  

Your goal on LinkedIn is to present yourself as a ‘thought leader’ in your niche. So, be sure to share new industry insights and add your own comments to it. This way your business network will perceive you as the expert in your field.

Action steps for growing your business network on LinkedIn

-> Connect with people in your niche but also think outside your niche. Ask yourself: who can profit from my service?

-> Re-post your existing articles from your blog on your LinkedIn profile (BUT keep them to a maximum of 600 words; if the original article is longer than that, make part 1, part 2, part 3). At the end of your post, add “The existing article was published on”. This helps you with building link juice too!

-> Post once per day (or more). Motivate on Monday, inspire on Friday. Always ask the right questions or add a call-to-action at the end.

-> Go through your old business cards and contacts from former jobs and invite them to connect on LinkedIn!

Linkedin Summary:

  • LinkedIn is great to showcase your expertise, make every word count
  • Post regularly and with the intention of presenting yourself as a ‘thought leader’
  • Use specific keywords in the skills section (NOT: ‘travel’ but ‘long-term travel’)

LinkedIn profile Julia Jerg - how to improve your business network

Expand your business network with Facebook:

Facebook has turned into much more than ‘just a social platform’.

Yes, it’s great that you can connect with long lost friends, but if you are after the real deal, change your mindset and use it for your biz. There are experts who claim that there is no money to be made on Facebook. But if you are smart about it, you can still use it as a tool to connect with the ‘right’ people AND eventually make money off of it.

And that’s why you need to look at Facebook groups as the gold nuggets of the platform. They are a powerful tool for growing your business network and building up your reputation as an expert.

It is crucial to be active in groups that are relevant to your niche. Again, for me as a travel blogger, there are great groups to connect with other digital nomads and travel bloggers, get advice and help others out who seek help with their lifestyle and blogging tasks.

But when it comes to my actual profession, (I am a social media manager, did you know?), I also dedicate some time to showcase my knowledge on social media.

Additionally, I created a Facebook group to help other travel bloggers and digital nomads to become more successful on social media. Through this, I generate a lot of valuable direct contacts who are not ‘only’ group members, instead, I count them into my business network.

Are you a member yet? Request to join here!

Action Steps For Growing Your Business Network On Facebook:

-> Find 5-10 Facebook groups that you find useful to your brand. Engage with the group members, ask the right questions, answer other people’s questions and offer your advice on topics you’re knowledgeable about.

-> Dedicate 15-20 min per day to comment on other people’s posts and try to answer questions that show your expertise.

-> Share industry insights but add a comment to establish a reputation as a thought leader

-> Check the competition and see how they are running their ads. If you want to know why they are doing great, you can use this tool and adopt their ads’ strategy.

Facebook Summary:

When you spend time on Facebook, use it wisely and share only articles that contribute to your overall mission: in my case, it is travel tips, digital nomad topics, and advice for social media marketing. My audience can follow my business page for digital nomad advice and travel inspiration. In my Facebook group, I share social media tips and network with like-minded people.


Grow your business network as a digital nomad

So, What’s the Best Way to Expand Your Business Network

I think a healthy mix of in-person and online networking is best.

Obviously, you can’t attend every possible network event that’s out there; but I suggest that you pick a few each year. Use them to build your brand and make deeper connections with people that you perhaps already know from social media.

Then, of course, update your LinkedIn profile today, get active on this platform and use it to showcase your expertise. I hope I’ve convinced you, in this post, that Facebook is not only about socialising and finding new friends.

As stated above, Facebook groups have such great potential for you to make business contacts too!

If you want to know more about how social media marketing can benefit your brand/blog, watch my free webinar – I’ll show you a few hacks to improve your performance online. Or contact me to get a 1:1 coaching session with me.

What are your favourite and most effective ways to grow your business network as a digital nomad?

Do you have any other tips?

Share your thoughts below, we’d love to know! 


Perhaps you need some inspiration to get your digital nomad life set up? Here are some resources that help me a lot.

Or check out which digital nomad gadgets we use to organise our lives!

Destination Guides Top Travel Posts

Cancún Travel Tips – A Guide for First-time Visitors

If you’re planning on going to Cancún anytime soon, but you aren’t really sure what to expect, this guide full of Cancún travel tips is for you.

White sandy beaches, crystal clear blue water, fine dining and a thrilling nightlife scene – Cancún has it all! It’s known as Mexico’s Mecca of beautiful beaches, many great spa-offers and pumping nightclubs.

Mandala Beach Club Cancun
Cancun Travel Tips: Soak up the sun at ‘Mandala Beach Club’

And on top of that, Cancun is the perfect starting point for your Maya expedition! This sounds perfect, right?

So, here are some tips for travelling to Cancun. As well as what you can see and do while there.



Tips for Anyone Wanting to Travel to Cancún

Some simple tips for a Cancún vacation, great for anyone heading on their first-ever trip to this amazing beach holiday spot – even for families:

  • Brush up on your Spanish
    • Most people working in tourism will speak English, but it won’t hurt to make sure you can say some basic phrases. It’ll help when dealing with the locals, as well gain you their respect.
  • Pack LOTS of Sunscreen
    • The Mexican sun can be ruthless, especially to those not used to it. You don’t want to spend your holiday feeling sick and sore with burnt skin, so lather on the SPF and stay hydrated in the shade!
Mandala Beach Club
Handstands never get old, do they?

Cancún Sightseeing Tips

When sightseeing in Cancún, these are the top tips to help you get the most out of your trip:

  1. Take your time

Don’t try to fit too much into one day. Time in Cancún moves ‘slower’, and it’s going to take you longer to do something than you think. So rather pick a few things to do and see, and spend any spare time soaking up the sun on the beach. That’s what Cancún is for.

  1. Lookout for private property

Most, if not all, beachfront hotels are private property and prefer for non-guests to use the public beaches. You can access one of the public access points, just ask a local if you’re not sure.

Cancún Honeymoon Tips

The most important tip, if you’re in Cancún for your honeymoon, is to go easy on the spicy Mexican meals, especially if you’re not used to spicy foods! They may be too delicious to pass up altogether, so eat them in moderation. You don’t want to be suffering from stomach cramps (or worse) while trying to enjoy a romantic holiday.

Cancun travel tips: Married Couple in the ocean
You can either do what this couple did or follow our Cancun travel tips and this itinerary below

Most Important Things To Know When Traveling To Cancún

You’ll no doubt learn a whole lot about Cancún during your stay, but here are some important things to know before you go.

Many people ask the question, is Cancún safe? While the city is relatively safe, it is still advised to be cautious and to keep valuables safe. Just as you would in most new and foreign countries.

The cost of food in Cancún will vary, but prices are quite average when compared to anywhere else. Tipping in Cancún is usually at 10%, so it’s a good idea to add that into your Cancún budget.

Best Cancún Advice

Another great Cancún trip tip: make sure you have the Mexican currency, Pesos on you. Cancún traders will accept dollars, but you’ll have to use your brain power to make sure you get the correct change back, according to the exchange rate. So it’s easier for everyone if you exchange some cash when you arrive.

Things To Know About Cancún

Here are some amazing and interesting facts that should be known by anyone travelling to Cancún:

  1. The beach sand is cool – in more ways than one

Not only can you take advantage of the stunning white coastline, but your bare feet are welcomed by the crushed-coral sand which stays cool constantly. So even though the temperatures soar, you won’t have to worry about burnt feet.

  1. In 1970, just three people lived in Cancún

A massive difference from the large crowds of locals that mingle with the even larger crowd of tourists along the streets and beaches today.

  1. The second largest Coral reef in the world is just off Cancún shores

The Maya Barrier Reef, second only to Australia’s famous Great Barrier Reef, draws many people to Cancún’s shores every year.

Things To Avoid In Cancún

While you are relatively safe in Cancun, there are of course things to be wary of, just like any other place.

  • Walking about alone, especially at night

It’s hardly safe to be in a deserted street wherever you are in the world these days. So it should come as no surprise that tourists are not encouraged to walk the streets at night alone. Be sure to stay in a group and be aware of your surroundings.

  • Timeshare presentations

There seems to be a large group of people specifically trying to sell timeshares. Try not to fall for their charms, and avoid them at the airports and information stands.

  • Tap water

Unless filtered, the water in Cancún is most likely not going to agree with your body. Hotels and restaurants will have filters to serve water to their guests, but while out exploring it is advised to carry bottled water.

Cancún, Mexico Travel Guide

In addition to the above Cancún tips, here’s a rough guide on how to get the best out of your vacation.

Accommodation: Where To Stay In Cancún?

No list of Cancún Mexico travel tips would be complete without tips on where to stay.

Depending on your budget and the type of travel you are planning, Cancún offers two options: the centre/downtown area or the Hotel Zone (“Zona Hotelera”). For me as a nomad/ long-term traveller, I am always chasing the most economic and convenient options. At the moment I am house sitting in Merida, for example, in order to lower my budget…but that’s a different story.

If you want to save money on accommodation in Cancún you’re better off staying in the city centre. We chose a wonderful hostel called Mezcal Hostel, close to the ADO bus terminal in Cancún. For one month we formed part of their team and supported the hostel in the area of marketing and guest relations. It was a great way to save money and put some action into our daily travel-life.

We found this place on a website called Worldpackers which is an organisation that helps travellers and hostels around the world to connect. You don’t work for money but volunteer and receive free accommodation in exchange. On top of that, we got some free tours to some of the attractions in and around Cancún! Not bad for 4 hours of social media marketing.

‘Working’ on some social media projects… this is the kind of office that I like!


Check out my other post if you want to know which day trips you can do from Cancún.

Or perhaps you are looking to stay in Playa del Carmen – here is my hostel review from our stay.

Beaches: Best Beaches In Cancún

I could stand there all day and take pictures of all that BLUE!!

If you chose to stay in the “Hotel Zone” you’ll be surrounded by restaurants, bars, clubs and also Cancún’s beaches. And there are many of them on the 18 km long strip that divides Cancún’s centre and the beach area. Most of the important hotels have their beaches in front of them.

Playa Delfines
I could stand there all day and take pictures of that BLUE!!

Cancún’s top public beaches:

  • Playa Tortugas
  • Playa Marlín
  • Playa Ballenas
  • Playa Delfines (*my favourite beach, all photos in this section!)

If you stay in the city centre as we did, you can get to all the above beaches with the local bus R1. It takes about 15-25 minutes, depending on which one you choose (Playa Delfines is the furthest away, Playa Tortugas is the closest). The bus costs 10.50 Mexican Pesos no matter where you get off (as of Oct. 2015).

Playa Delfines, Cancun
Playa Delfines: Plenty of umbrellas to stay in the shade…free of charge!

My favourite beach is definitely “Playa Delfines”, where you can find the very colourful Cancún sign. Out of all my Cancún travel tips, here is one of my favourite one: If you intend on taking a picture with the sign, bring some time and patience: people line-up for it!

Cancun Sign
Bring some time to stand in line…this is a popular photo spot!!!


Shopping: What Else To Do In Cancún?

Along with all of the other tips for vacationing in Cancún, we suggest doing some serious shopping!

Apart from the beaches, shops and restaurants, there is a very popular market among tourists where you will find all sorts of Mexican souvenirs: Mercado 28. You can buy everything from Sombreros, Ponchos, Ceramics, Pottery, Jewellery to Tequila, Sweets, Spices and more.

A fun way to spend a couple of hours! Make sure to hang out until lunchtime, some of the restaurants sell great food. Look out for the “Menú del Día” options, where you can taste some delicious local food for a good price!

Mercado 28
Colourful, spices and yum!!!

Not into local shopping? Why not search for your souvenirs on Amazon and let them send directly to your friends and family:


Nightlife: Where To Shake Your Booty In Cancún?

Cancún attracts many club lovers for its vibrant nightlife scene, and this is a must-do for all the party animals out there. People come to party in Mexico’s tourist hotspot in order to see the “Cirque de Soleil” of Cancún at various clubs such as Coco Bongo, Palazzo and Co.

One of the main reasons people come to Cancun: it’s pumping nightlife!

Most clubs offer ‘open bar’ for their pricy entry fees, so you really have a mission to complete by the end of the night: get as many drinks as possible so your 80 USD is well spent. Luckily we are not passionate about clubs, so we didn’t spend money on it.

However, as part of our hostel volunteer program, we went once, for free, and watched the spectacle. I prefer smaller places, like Señor Frog, for example, even though they are sometimes not really less crazy.

Cancun travel tips: Enjoy a night out at Senor Frog
A night out at Señor Frog’s crazy restaurant and club…

How To Get Around In Cancún

If you’re not sure how to travel in Cancún, taking the bus is the easiest and most cost-effective way to get around. Bus drivers in Cancún are used to transporting tourists through the streets. You’ll be met by friendly and helpful answers to any questions you may have.

For those wanting a bit more of a structured trip, why not book a guided tour. Going through Cancún, with someone who knows where they are going, will help you familiarise yourself with the place. You’ll also get to hear the best bits of history, news and interesting facts about the place you pass.

For organised tours, check out these great deals:


Itinerary: Cancún Travel Tips For One Day

Last on our list of travel tips for Cancún is an itinerary for the best day you could spend in the city. Don’t be lost as to what to do while in Cancún, just use these ideas.

  • Have breakfast at your hotel or hostel (most places offer breakfast included or for a small additional fee they will prepare something for you)
  • Stroll through the stalls at Mercado 28 and find some nice Mexican souvenirs!
  • Eat lunch at one of the local restaurants close to the ‘Ayuntamiento’ before you hop on the bus R1 to the Hotel Zone.
  • Relax at one of Cancún’s many beautiful beaches like “Playa Delfines”, “Playa Marlin” or “Playa Tortugas”
  • Sip a Margarita and watch the sunset at JC Capitan and stay for dinner!
  • Dance the night away in one of the many bars and nightclubs on the hotel strip

But the best part starts now: From Cancún, you can make a ton of day trips…So, make sure to check out my other blog post with travel tips on where to go and what to see in one day. This post includes a trip to Isla Mujeres, Chichen Itza, Cozumel, Playa del Carmen and Holbox Island!!

DID YOU LIKE THESE Cancún TRAVEL TIPS? Feel free to like, share and comment below!!! Happy travels, Y’all!



What to do in CANCUN? Travel tips

Do you want to read more about some of the best things to do in Cancun? Here you go! 🙂

Top Travel Posts

Thailand Itinerary – A Beginner’s Guide to Island Hopping in the Land of Smiles

Information and itinerary for travelling in Thailand from island to island

With hundreds of islands spanning the coast of Thailand, island hopping is an exciting and fun experience for the avid traveller. Whether you are travelling to the Andaman Coast on the South West coast of Thailand, or the Gulf Coast on the South East there is a multitude of great options to meet your desires. This itinerary for your Thailand island hopping experience will give you a reference to some of the best islands to travel to, how to get there, attractions, and more.


Find out more and pre-book a private transfer to or from major destinations in Thailand!


Thailand Itinerary for the South East Thailand Islands: Gulf of Thailand Coast

Koh Samui

Similar to the island of Phuket on the South West coast of Thailand, Koh Samui serves as a base for island hopping. Tourists can travel to the island by plane, and then go island hopping because of the vast array of tours available on the island.

If you are considering a vacation, you may be wondering, how is the weather in Koh Samui? To answer your question, the weather is typically hot, with extended periods of rain. However, because of the vast array of indoor activities on the island, visitors can travel to the island year round, even during the raining season. You still can have entertaining activities to do when it rains in Koh Samui.


Not sure what to bring on your trip?

Read here which gadgets we use for travelling and for our digital nomad life.


Koh Tao

Thailand itinerary: Mae Haad Pier, the ferry services from Koh Tao to Koh Samui
Mae Haad Pier, the ferry services to Koh Samui © Andy Wright via Flickr

One of the smaller islands on the gulf coast of Thailand, Koh Tao is a secluded yet exciting island. Island hoppers can easily reach the destination by taking a tour from one of the larger islands.

The island tour allows vacationers with a variety of fun activities and marvellous scenery. This includes rock climbing, snorkelling, and hiking, and diving. Book your dive tour here for the best chance to see a whale shark at the famous dive site Sail Rock in the Gulf of Thailand.


Travel to Koh Tao on your own terms and stay longer than you would with a tour company. Get there via high speed catamaran within 20 min. On the island you can rent a scooter and discover the island. Make sure to drive up on to one of the hills and enjoy beautiful views of the island.

Find out more and book your high-speed catamaran and coach to Koh Tao!

Koh Phangan

Thailand itinerary Koh Phangan
The vendors selling “The Bucket” by the beach on Full Moon Party night © Lim Ashley via Flickr

The island of Koh Phangan provides island hoppers on the South East coast of Thailand with an exciting and beautiful destination. In order to get to this island, travelers must take a boat or ferry tour either from the neighboring island Koh Samui or the mainland port in Surat Thani.

Once you reach the island, there are plenty of options for entertainment. For starters, there are multiple beaches to travel to, all of which have clear waters and incredible views. If you are looking for some exciting activities to do then Koh Phangan has you covered as there are waterfalls, hiking trails, and water activities.

Koh Phangan is most recognised by its Full Moon Party. This event occurs every month and is full of excitement. It is an all-night event and should be a part of your trip to Koh Phangan.

Also, read: Our Travel Guide to Koh Phangan as a Digital Nomad Family


Koh Wua Talap

Thailand itinerary Mu Koh Ang
Mu Koh Ang Thong (Ang Thong National Marine Park) © Robin Hickmott via Flickr

Koh Wua Talap is a sparsely populated island off of the coast of Thailand. It is a part of Ang Thong National Marine Park. This island is perfect for those who want to visit exciting destinations and witness stunning views. The only way to island-hop to this location is through a tour from one of the larger islands on the gulf coast of Thailand. One very popular one is the Mu Ko Ang Thong Park: Semi-private Sunset Cruise Tour where you enjoy a relaxing sailing cruise aboard a luxurious yacht to the limestone islands of Mu Ko Ang Thong Marine Park. Secure your spot here!

The island is a popular tourist destination due mostly to the mountains, beaches, and Angthong National Park. If you want to take in the full magnitude of the island, then I would recommend going on the Pha Jun-Jaras hike with a private tour, where you will be taken to the highest point of the island and witness an incredible view.


Find out more and book a customised day trip to Ang Thong Marine Park!

Thailand Itinerary for the Andaman Coast: South West Islands


Thailand Itinerary: Patong beach, Phuket
Patong beach has a wide variety of activities and nightlife © Luke Ma via Flickr

The country of Thailand’s largest island, Phuket is one of the premier destinations for traveling and island hopping. Phuket is one of the few islands off the coast of Thailand that has an airport, as well as boating companies to help you hop from island to island. This means that it is a great choice to travel to in order to journey to other islands.

The weather in Phuket is hot year long, and during certain times there are weeks straight of heavy rain. If you are looking to travel to Phuket the best time to do so is during the winter months through early spring, which allows you to avoid the monsoon season.

If you plan on staying in Phuket for a little while then take the time to experience the pristine waters, exciting nightlife, and downtown area. Also, consider booking a day-tour to one of the neighbouring islands if you like snorkelling with a guide, for example.


Find out more and book the must-do James Bond Island Day Trip!


Mu Koh Similan

Thailand Itinerary: Visitors can travel to Similan via speedboat from Phuket or Khao Lak
Visitors can travel to Similan via speedboat from Phuket or Khao Lak © Fred von Lohmann via Flickr

If you are island hopping from Phuket, one of the prime destinations to visit is Similan. The relatively uncivilised island is a few hour boat ride, well worth the wait.

Once you get to the island, the beaches are pristine, with crystal clear water almost like a mirror, and several exciting activities to participate in. As part of the tour to Similan, travelers get to walk the beaches, snorkel, dive and hike to some of the most beautiful sites on the island. Similan is definitely one of the hidden beaches to visit near Phuket.


Find out more and book a full-day Similan Islands snorkeling trip from Phuket!


Do you still need a few things for your trip? Shop them now on Amazon:



Koh Yao Noi

Thailand Itinerary: Long-tail boat ride around Koh Yao Noi is another great experience
Long-tail boat ride around Koh Yao Noi is another great experience © Madeleine Deaton via Flickr

If you are looking to island-hop to a quiet, peaceful island then Koh Yao Noi has you covered. The island is still underdeveloped compared to modern standards, however, the sightseeing, beaches, hiking, waterfalls, and nature is nearly unparalleled.

Unlike some of the more secluded islands on the coast of Thailand, this destination is a little bit less secluded, offering hotels and shopping for its visitors. If you plan on traveling to this island expect a boat ride of a few hours.

A fun way to discover the island is by bike. Your English speaking guide will show you the beauty of this island and introduce you to locals and their culture. Book your ticket here!

Find out more and book your Full-Day Bike Tour on Koh Yao Noi!

Koh Phi Phi

Thailand Itinerary Phi Phi Island
Hopping around Phi Phi Island includes visiting Monkey Beach, Maya Bay, Viking Cave © Evan Krause on Unsplash

Similar to many of the other islands on the Andaman Coast, Koh Phi Phi requires a boat ride from Phuket. The islands of Koh Phi Phi are however more populated than some of the other islands off of the coast of Thailand. There are several shops and hotels to make your island hopping experience even better.

Koh Phi Phi boasts some of the best views and scenery of any of the South West islands. Island hoppers can participate in a variety of activities, such as snorkeling, kayaking, hiking, rock climbing, and visiting the Phi Phi Le National Park.

INSIDER TIP: Koh Phi Phi attracts also many party loving young travellers and backpackers. If you book a room in one of the guesthouses or hostels there, then make sure to check the location beforehand. The more you’re in the center the louder it can become during the night! Click here to find the right place to stay!


*This post contains affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here.


Thailand Itinerary author RiyaAbout the author: Riya is an inspired writer, passionate about traveling, lifestyle and encouraging startups. She is currently in Thailand. As a freelancer, she understands the importance of productivity at work. Riya never stopped finding new ways to create her work productivity. Twitter, @sanderriya.


Not done reading yet?

Do you only have a few days to spend in Thailand? Here is our guide for four days in Thailand.

Or are you headed to Australia next? Then check out our road trip itinerary for NSW.

And make sure to always bring along the right gear!



Ultimate Thailand itinerary for island hopping

Digital Nomad How To Make Money

How To Make Money While Traveling

The most frequent question I get asked is how I can afford my lifestyle. People are also always looking at how to make money while traveling. Or how to make enough money to help them pay for their travels.

Travelling is mostly considered a luxury expense, something you save up for, or only do once in a while. On the contrary, as a digital nomad, you are free to choose wherever you work from and where you live.

So, for me, it has become plain logic to choose destinations that also offer some sort of value for the time that I don’t work on my laptop. People who have followed my blog, know by now that my perfect place is at the ocean and the beach – this means paradise to me.

But there are obviously many more ways to design your lifestyle as a digital nomad. I know a lot of people who prefer the city or they stay in one place for a long time and have a second base somewhere else.

Earn money as a digital nomad

Most Obvious Ways To Make Money While Traveling

If you are looking at how you can travel and make money at the same time, you are not alone. Many people dream of becoming digital nomads, the thought of working while traveling appeals to the masses, it seems.

There are two ultimate ways to travel and make money at the same time:

  • Use your travelling to make money
  • Continue working while you travel

How To Travel For A Living

If you are able to leverage your skills in a way that allows you to travel, this is a great way to go. Getting paid to travel is an amazing way to use your talents.

Some of the professions that will allow you to make money travelling are:

  • Photographers – travel guides and websites are often in search of top quality images of the places they write about.
  • Travel guide researchers – while not as glamorous as it sounds, researching a place for a travel guide will allow you to see the most of any destination.
  • Flight attendants – the oldest and most stable way to see the world. Although a tiring profession, and not as flexible as other traveling jobs.
  • Cruise ship employees – Cruise ships have many different positions for you to apply for, from waitressing to beauty therapists.
  • Au pairs – if you’re good with kids, living with a family as their children’s caregiver will give you a safe and fun way to see the world.
  • English teachers – spend some time in a foreign country teaching the locals English.

If you’re really not sure how to travel and work, the above-mentioned jobs will give you a great stepping stone. They do, however, require you to report to a boss, and may limit your choices on where you travel to, as well as how long you stay.

If you want more freedom, you’ll want to look at remote and freelancing jobs.

How To Work While Traveling

If you are lucky enough to secure a job that allows you to work while traveling, it is a lot easier to work from wherever you are. Being able to travel and work gives you almost complete control over where you go and how long you stay.

The list of remote jobs is longer than you’d think, some of the most popular jobs include:

  • Content writer – write content for online businesses and websites.
  • Photographer – work as a freelance photographer, selling your images to websites and magazines.
  • Virtual Assistant – as a virtual assistant you can work anywhere you find good wifi.
  • Web designer/developer – design or develop websites as a freelancer from wherever you find yourself.
  • Ghostwriter – ghostwriting is a great option if you have a talent for writing, and you’ll most likely not need to sit too still to do it.
  • Blogger – finding a way to monetize your own blog, especially a travel blog, gives you the freedom to travel and blog in your own time.
  • Influencer – if you can wrangle together a fair amount of social media followers, you can use your influence to keep you going financially while on the road.
  • Editor/Proofreader – as long as your English (or whichever language you decide to work in) is A grade, you can offer editing and proofreading services to writers and bloggers.
  • Social Media Marketer – use your social media skills to help businesses reach their audience in the best ways.

Any of these jobs will allow you to grab your laptop, book your plane tickets and head off to a destination office space. Whether you’re wanting to work while travelling across Europe or spend your office hours on a beach in Spain, you can work knowing you’re not losing out on any paychecks.

Of course, digital nomadism does not necessarily have to be combined with travelling – but in my opinion, it’s a lot more fun to do so! Check out the following guest post to learn about a few options to choose from if you haven’t started freelancing or earn money online and still want to know how to make money and travel…



How to Make Money Traveling as a Digital Nomad

Guest post by Jenny Holt:

The first time I took a year off, before college, travelling and working meant finding an array of bar and waitressing jobs across America to get myself from Georgia to Hawaii, then on to Australia, and then Southeast Asia.

The last leg of the trip was trickiest workwise but luckily there was a lot of demand for teaching English. As I found out on a second trip a few years ago, there are a lot more options now for the digital nomad – you can earn from your hotel from your AirBnB or in a cafe with a WiFi connection.

How To Travel And Make Money

There are hundreds of ways to earn money online while travelling. The simplest of those is the ubiquitous travel blog. It is also a great way to keep in touch with friends and relatives back home, as well as those you meet on the journey.

These take time to seed and gain a following, but by using a weekly email blast, affiliate marketing, and advertising, you can begin to earn some money toward your travels.

The best part is that if the blog is your main business any expenses might be tax deductible. Affiliate marketing income can be gained from airlines, hotel sites, and travel rating sites among others.

How to Balance Work and Travel

While moving from one place to another, I often found myself losing work time. A tour across Europe meant using a lot of buses, coaches and especially trains.

This is great for the environment, but a bit more boring than driving or cycling somewhere, so like many commuters I turned to work during the travel times.

An easy way to fill in the time is to do micro jobs such as taking surveys, posting reviews, partaking in fora and moderate forums, or even delivering packages en route.

In addition to these tasks that many sites pay people to do, you can enter contests and sweepstakes as well. Some people who enter many of these are rather successful over a year, but there’s naturally no guarantee of a payout.

Make Money While Traveling – Teach a Skill

Yes, it is possible to continue to teach English or other skills while travelling. The wonders of the Internet and communication software like Skype means you can freelance teach people anywhere, so as long as both of you have a secure Internet connection.

Teaching online is not your only option as a freelancer. In addition to tutoring students, you can become a virtual assistant or be a call centre customer service Rep.

A Simple Answer to Making Money While Traveling

There are tons of companies who will pay you to participate in their surveys. Most surveys don’t take much time and simply ask you for your opinion or expertise.

Those questionnaires are mostly multiple choice questions which will earn you either points that you accumulate and get paid out later or some pay you per survey. It’s an easy way to do on the side.


What are your ways of making money while travelling as a digital nomad? Do you work as a freelancer? Let us know, so we can get inspired and follow your example!


About the author of our guest post:

Jenny Holt is a freelance writer and mother of two. She loves nothing more than getting away from it and taking her pet Labrador Bruce for long walks, something she can do a lot more now she’s left the corporate world behind.



Check out this post to read which gadgets I use to stay organised as a traveller and digital nomad.

Or perhaps you’re still deciding if the digital nomad lifestyle is for you, read here how five years of full-time travelling have changed my life.

Destination Guides Top Travel Posts Travel

3 Must-Do Slow Travel Stops When Road Tripping Across New South Wales Australia

Road Trips are fun! Don’t you agree? Whenever I even think of one, I get excited and want to hop into the car! Perhaps it’s the freedom of travelling at your own pace that excites me most. On our road trips on Oahu, Maui and the Big Island of Hawaii, we enjoyed the fact that we were allowed to sleep in the car wherever we wanted. Guess where we stopped most of the times!?! BY THE BEAAACH YO! Waking up to the sound of the ocean and skinny dipping instead of a shower – ah… the definition of perfection 🙂 Okay, before I am drifting away in good ol’ #travelmemories, here is today’s guest post on slow travel routes across Australia’s New South Wales.

Short Itinerary for Your Next Road Trip from Sydney

Fancy a slow travel itinerary around New South Wales? Home to the famous city of Sydney, this eastern Australia state provides travellers with a range of experiences, including a chill, and not to mention picture-perfect road trip! This article covers why taking a slow travel adventure across New South Wales could be the next great thing to do!

1. Sydney

Home to Australia’s largest entertainment events, Sydney is Australia’s most populous city bustling with culture, events, music and much more. If you are into energetic music festivals, shopping, and sightseeing the iconic Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge, Sydney should definitely be on your bucket list.

Top 3 Slow Travel Stops in NSW Australia - Sydney

Since Sydney is a metropolitan city, the best time to visit the city for shopping is late mornings to avoid traffic, from 10 am onwards. For those of us who want to enjoy a night out, this fashionable city host Australia’s best names in the business, and Vivid Sydney in Winter. You could spend a month here if you’re energetic and enjoy the high life, and hustle and bustle on offer. However, if you like fine dining and the great outdoors….

Top 3 things to do in Sydney:

  • Join a walking tour and stroll around The Rocks to learn about the history of this area!
  • Make your way from Bondi to Coogee along the infamous Bondi to Coogee Coastal Walk!
  • Give your legs a rest as you continue your explorations to North Sydney and catch the 30-minute ferry from Circular Quay to Manly Wharf. Not only will you get to experience all that Manly has to offer but on your journey across the harbour, you will get outstanding views of the Opera House, the Harbour Bridge and Kirribilli House.


3 Top Stops on Your Road Trip Through NSW, Australia for Pinterest

2. Hunter Valley

Take a slow drive to Hunter Valley, home to the finest vineyards in Australia. The region is located two hours away from Sydney but is a must-do for a fine dining experience. The area boasts great local produce, providing numerous local restaurants with the freshest ingredients in a wide variety of cuisines, with multiple Australian owned establishments.

A view onto Hunter Valley, NSW, Australia
Source: Kevin Rheese via Flickr

Perfect to spend the mornings and early afternoons, the Hunters Region also boasts great hiking trails for those who are into exploring flora and fauna and the natural environment. With the advantage of slow travel being the abundance of time, book a few days at a local Hunter Valley accommodation. The best way to get around various establishments in Hunters Region is by car, as it gives you the freedom to choose how you’d like to spend the time of your day. Just be sure to leave the driving to a designated driver if you plan on wine tasting.

Top 3 things to do in the Hunter Valley:

  • Forget lunch today because it’s time to taste some of the best gourmet cheese and chocolate the region has to offer. Make your way to the Hunter Valley Cheese Factory tasting rooms and select the best option for you.
  • Visit one of the 150 wineries and taste some of the most decadent wines in Australia! Book a wine tour to make your way around the area with a group. Some tours have lunch and/or food included so look out for good deals!
  • Take a hot air balloon ride! The flight lasts for approximately one hour, travelling over Lovedale, Pokolbin, Broke or Rothbury, followed by a champagne breakfast at one of the gorgeous nearby wineries.

Are you a travel blogger on the lookout for more blog juice? Then you’ll love our private Facebook social media marketing support group: Learn, get support and encourage others to reach your goals and get more traffic and social media engagement. Request to join here!

Join my private Facebook group for digital nomads and travel bloggers

3. Byron Bay

Complete your experience with a visit to the coastal town of Byron Bay, located on the New South Wales North Coast The town is famous for its amazing surf and sunsets, and retreat type vacation. Visitors can enjoy wide-ranging outdoor and water activities, such as surfing, snorkelling and even hot air ballooning. Join a relaxing day at the spa, or an outdoor meditation retreat.

Bird's eye view onto Byron Bay in NSW, Australia

Enjoy the spectacular views that the drive has to offer, along with the eastern coastal route. Located 8 hours’ drive from Sydney, visitors are encouraged to stop by other towns like New Castle and Macquarie for a meal and to check out small town living before finishing their drive.

Top 3 things to do in Byron Bay:

  • Avoid the tourists and make your way to Wategos Beach. Just around the corner from Main Beach, Wategos is surrounded by a headland making it pretty perfect for swimmers!
  • Stroll through the weekly local markets to try the local food and produce and pick up a few interesting souvenirs.
  • Take a surfing lesson!!

New South Wales provides an exciting opportunity for slow travellers. The wide variety of accommodations, activities, and suitability across a wide range of budgets translates to freedom of choice to participate in activities at their own time. Travelling by car across the city of Sydney and country town seems to provide the best balance between freedom and convenience, while not placing any pressure on time constraints.

What are your favourite stops in New South Wales, Australia? Please share your travel tips and stories down below in the comments! Thanks and happy travels 🙂 

Want to take along a good camera on your trip? To help you make up your mind, check out this travel camera comparison from Jessica over at Longest Bus Rides. 

Or do you fancy another scenic drive? You might be interested in the Great Ocean Road starting from Melbourne.

About the author:

Guest Post by Alex Johnson Aussie Adventurer & Lifestyle Blogger - Inspire A Better Life

This guest post was written by Alex Johnson, a blogger and lover of the little things in life, from delicious brunch spots to interior design. Recently moving to Sydney, he began his blog Inspire A Better Life to positively influence others to get out there and see all life has to offer. Join Alex as he discovers this life one day at a time, documenting his thoughts and others along the way!


Not done reading yet?

When in Australia, a common route for many travellers is to combine it with a trip to Asia. Check out my destinations page for travel tips for Thailand, North Sumatra and the Philippines.

If you are in the mood for a little adventure, check out these mysterious islands!

And make sure to always bring along the right gear!


Safari Clothing – What to Wear on an African Safari

As a passionate traveller, it has always been on my bucket list to go on an African safari. Although this goal is still to be ticked off, I am very curious to know how it is to go on a safari and what’s the ideal safari clothing. In the following guest post, you’ll find out what to bring and how to dress appropriately. In case you are not the safari type, read here about tropical places like Thailand or Belize. But now, let’s dive into right into the following safari clothing hacks! 

Fashion Tips for a Safari in Africa

By Cristina Costea

What to wear on an African Safari

If you’ve never been on an African safari, what do you think of when you imagine your safari outfit? Does your mind automatically go to the classic safari clothing that you see in the movies? Khakis and hats? 

If that’s the case, we at are here to inform you that those clothes may not be the only safari clothing option. With that, here is our recommendation on what to wear during an African Safari.


Blend into Your Background

African Safari
African Safari

One of the golden rules of safari clothing is to wear clothing that blends into your background. So, yes, khaki is a great colour, but so are brown and green. Avoid red, yellow or any other strong colour that you can see from a mile away. It’s not that the predators will take notice of you and start to hunt you, but you will make the animals notice you and that can be a disturbance.

That said, if you’re on a walking safari, you need to be a bit more careful about what you wear than you on a driving safari.

Also, please try to avoid black, white and camouflage. Black can attract bugs (especially the nasty tsetse fly), white is going to get dirty in a matter of seconds and in the majority of African countries camouflage is worn by soldiers.


Layer Your Safari Clothing What to wear on an African Safari_layer your clothing

If you’ve never been on a safari in Africa, you’ll be tempted to pack only light clothes and you would be making a mistake. The weather in most safari countries can be quite extreme: at noon, you’ll be roasting in the sun, thinking you’ll never need another sweater in your life and in the evening, after the sun goes down, you’ll feel the chill! This is the reason why layering your clothes is absolutely essential while on a safari in Africa. Let’s say you’re going on a safari in South Africa, depending on the season, you could be facing temperatures as low as 41 F (5 C), so you will need to pack accordingly.


Safari Clothing: Footwear What to wear on an African Safari_Safari FootwearThe type of shoes you’re going to wear on your safari can vary depending on the type of safari you’re taking. Are you going to be in a car, chasing after the big five? Then, some light boots or even trainers will do. Are you going to pay a visit to a family of gorillas in the rainforest, then you need boots that are light, comfortable and also waterproof. We recommend you do some research online or at your local shoe store for the best hiking boots for you. They can make or break a safari experience.

Last, but definitely not least, it is imperative that you wear your safari shoes at home to break them in. You don’t want first-time wear blisters!


Safari Clothing: Accessories What to wear on an African Safari_Safari AccessoriesThere are two accessories you absolutely need when going on an African safari: sunglasses and a hat or a scarf. When it comes to glasses, we highly recommend the polarized ones, that will make it easier for you to spot wildlife in the distance and will make the sun more bearable.

A hat or a scarf is also very important and will keep not just the sun away from the face and neck, but the dust, also. You can even use the scarf to wipe your brow or your phone. Whatever accessories you bring with you, make sure that they have more than just one purpose.


Have you been on a Safari in Africa? What did you wear? Please share your thoughts and let us know if we listed all the necessary things for a Safari in Africa!



If you’re not the Safari type, you might want to check out Why it’s more fun in the Philippines and where you can find cool places to stay and work as a digital nomad.

Or perhaps you’re still deciding if the digital nomad lifestyle is for you, read here how Five years of full-time travelling have changed my life.


Pin it and save it for later: What to wear on an African Safari


About the author:

Cristina Costea

Cristina is a writer for She is a passionate traveller, cat aficionado and novice writer.



10 of the Most Mysterious Islands on the Planet

UPDATED 4/2020

This article on the top 10 most mysterious islands is a guest post by Agness.

As the world is so BIG there are so many hidden secrets waiting to be discovered. One of the most interesting places where you can find an unearthed mystery is in the ocean. It’s absolutely massive and full of sunken secrets and treasure troves. Agness and Cez from love a mystery and often stumble upon folklores and intriguing tales from their adventures. These islands listed below are just a handful in comparison to the number of unknown discoveries out there… Get inspired!

Related: A Beginner’s Guide to Island Hopping in Thailand

The Socotra Island

Located in the Arabian Sea, Socotra Island is rather special. This particular place is home to around 800 rare species of fauna and flowers. The plants on the island have evolved around the harsh climate and thrive in the sunshine. What makes this island so unique is that the plants are all randomly shaped and very odd. People often think of Socotra as a sci-fi movie set due to its alien-type trees and carved limestone caves. It’s sort of like a lost world, where secret creatures hide and myths are hidden away from the human eye.

old wooden boat on a deserted beach on one of the most mysterious islands out there.
One of the most mysterious islands: Socotra Island.

Daksa Island

Daksa Island has underlying darkness surrounding its name as it’s otherwise known as the ‘island of ghosts’. It’s a small island near to Dubrovnik and unfortunately was once the scene of a destructive massacre in 1944. Therefore, Daksa contains a lot of history. If you ever want to visit a place like this then there are many online guides out there ready to introduce you to Croatian islands. It’s always worth researching into places before you visit them so that you can grasp the culture and get a clearer understanding as to why things are the way they are.

sunset with extremely orange light all over the sky that shimmers over the ocean

Are you an island lover? Great! We’ve got your back! Check out this guide for island hopping in Thailand. Or perhaps you want to visit one of our favourite islands in Asia, Koh Phangan, then read here

Palmyra Atoll

First sighted in 1798, this uninhabited island in the Pacific has been reported to have had a number of paranormal experiences take place on its shores. The most famous occurrence is when a group of sailors sailed their boat named ‘Angel’ across the sea and ended up on the edge of Palmyra’s lagoon. Soon after they found themselves stuck so they decided to walk onto the island and take a look around. It is unclear whether the sailors were shipwrecked or that they crashed onto Palmyra, yet their bodies were later found spread out across the island. They had been brutally murdered and to this day, no one knows who did it…

bones and a skull lay on the ground in a forest


If you’re a cat lover, then behold the wonderful Tashirojima Island! What’s great about this mysterious find is that there are more cats than humans here. You can find this island in Miyagi (Japan) and you will receive good fortune and luck if you feed the animals. This is one of the world’s quirkiest islands and there’s even a cat shrine for you to pay your respects to the furry creatures!

an orange cat is laying on big rocks at the ocean


picture with island atoll and a headline saying 11 of the most mysterious islands

Poveglia Island

Nicknamed as ‘Italy’s most haunted island’, this is another mysterious find that will have you feeling a little bit freaked out. It is home to hundreds of years of cruelty and murder and has a very twisted history behind it. Back when the plague hit the world’s population, this island was used as a cage to separate the dead from the living. Poveglia was where people lived out the last of their plague-riddled lives and were sometimes burned alive in mass graves. The mystery of the island is to do with the so-called ‘spirits’ which you can still hear screaming at night.

Black and white photograph of a stone statue showing only the hand holding a rose made out of stone

Isla Bermeja

The Red Island, known as Isla Bermeja was marked down on 16th-century maps. It was once a rocky cliff 100 kilometres north of the Mexican Gulf. However, it seems to have vanished and nobody knows where it’s gone. Some people speculate that it was blown up by the CIA and others think it disappeared due to erosion. Luckily, there are still majestic islands that exist in Mexico. If you fancied it, you could take a trip towards the mainland as there’s so much on offer in Mexico. Especially along Playa Mujeres, where you can find the Finest Playa Mujeres all-inclusive resort.

old map, a compass and gold coins on a wooden table

The Floating Islands of Lake Titicaca

In Peru, you’ll find marvellous floating islands at Lake Titicaca. They’re man-made and are home to the Uros tribe. This lake is a hotspot for hunting and fishing for fresh seafood. Lately, however, it’s been begging for a clean. Smothered in plastic bags and muddy items, it’s not exactly an idyllic spot to sail through. That’s why Peru and Bolivia have promised to team up together and do a massive clear up of the lake.

view onto a floating island with little houses made of straw and a canoe on the shore

Holy Island

In Northumberland, there’s a place called Lindisfarne and it is just off England’s northeast coast. Its castle is what makes it such an appealing destination and the way that it is cut off from regular society. You can actually explore the castle’s rooms and discover the ruins left behind. It’s such a peaceful place to be, hence why it is named the ‘holy island’.

Island of the Dead Dolls

In Mexico, there’s a very popular island but it’s not uninhabited by people. In fact, it is home to hundreds of old dead dolls. Of course, the dolls were never alive, yet they’ve been made to look dead with paint and gouged eyes. Tourists flock here every year to get a fright and a good sighting of this island; it’s very popular at Halloween believe it or not. The locals state that there are ghosts lurking around the waters, ready to jump into your body and possess you. However, you may find that the dolls themselves are scarier than any demons or spiritual beings…

Easter Island

You won’t find any Easter eggs lying around here but you will find very cool carved figures with oversized faces. There are almost 900 of them and they date back from centuries ago. The iconic statues are a huge tourist attraction and were created by Polynesian engineers and expert craftsmen. Like all mysteries, no one understands the true purpose behind these figures or how they were sprinkled all over Easter Island. Perhaps it will forever remain a mystery…

Man-shaped stone figures lined up in front of the horizon

San Blas Islands

Perhaps the least mysterious island or island group on this list, San Blas does have a mystery to be resolved! With exactly 365 islands in the Caribbean Ocean off Panama’s coast, you could technically visit one island per day throughout a whole year. Wouldn’t that be a fun to-do list for 2021?! So, this island group in Central America is perhaps one of the most deserted and yet most blissful spots on this planet.

You hardly bump into tourists there and the islanders are happy to get you around, which means you can truly experience your own private Robinson Crusoe moment. How on earth is this part of the world so little visited? That’s a real mystery to me!

girl laying on a fallen palm tree at a tropical beach

Where is the most mysterious place you’ve visited? Leave us a comment below, we are curious to know about other mysterious islands and spots around the world!


Are you looking for more travel inspiration? Check out our post on the Top 5 Beaches from 21 Travel Bloggers! Or if you have already made up your mind and want to see one of South America’s evergreen top destination, make sure to read our most recent guide for Rio de Janeiro!

If the whole travel thing is YOUR thing – and that’s probably the case as you are browsing this site – then why not go full-time travel and become a digital nomad yourself? One way of starting your location independent life, you’ll read here.

Digital Nomad

Is Life Feasible As A Digital Nomad Mum?

This post was updated in May 2020.

When I wrote this post, so many things were uncertain: would we be able to keep travelling with a baby? How would life look like as a digital nomad mom? What would happen to Jey Jetter? All these doubts and questions are in the article below. I keep them there to show how life is not always clear.

Fast forward to today, we are still travelling and Jey Jetter is still our online business that funds our travels. But, we are now a digital nomad family of four, as Niklas Fynn was born in May 2019, on La Palma, Canary Island, Spain

It’s been a while since I’ve had the time, or energy, to sit down and write something for the blog. Apologies to all of you who have been following our adventures up until recently. But, I think I have one of the best excuses (if not THE best!) In May 2017, I gave birth to our beautiful little son. This has not only been one of the most amazing experiences in my entire life, but it has also changed everything for me. Here are my thoughts about how things were, what is happening at the moment, and what lies ahead for life as a digital nomad mum.

Introducing little bubba to the world of travel
Introducing little bubba to the world of travel. Here in Germany’s southern region and with a great view to the picturesque castle ‘Burg Hohenzollern’.

When Life Happens – What Changed After Becoming A Mother

The news took me by surprise, to say the least. We did not plan to have a baby just yet, but at the same time, we were ready to embrace it whenever it happened. And it happened at the very least expected moment: during summer 2016, after an epic 10-month trip through Central and South America, we crossed the Atlantic on a cruise ship. It was part of a re-location and also part of a digital nomad event that we didn’t want to miss. Once we were back in Europe, we spent the summer in Germany, catching up with family and friends. Check out one of our videos from Berlin.

Berlin is also where we found out about our little one. We were still in travel mode, booking flight tickets to our next big adventure: a trip to Dubai, followed by a month in the Philippines where we attended our first Travel Blog Exchange (TBEX) event. At TBEX, we met so many inspiring people from all around the world. We even stayed in touch with one woman and discussed the option of working for her agency in Melbourne. We took this as a sign, and spontaneously decided to apply for an Australian work-visa and planned to have little bubba in Down Under.

But Then Things Took An Unexpected Turn…

Standing and staring: enjoying the sunset in Bali
15 weeks pregnant here: A tiny bump gives away the little secret that I was carrying below my heart…

While working through a ton of paperwork, we enjoyed a very peaceful and mindful six weeks in Bali. We were planning to stay in Asia for as long as needed until our Australian visa was approved. The baby was already turning into a jolly little figure in my belly and we enjoyed those pictures – a tiny little human was growing inside me! The first check-up was actually back in the Philippines. To be honest, it was a bit nerve-wracking with all the ZIKA news surrounding us. Friends and family from Europe seemed to be more on edge than the locals in all the places we visited…luckily, it turned out all ok.

Exploring the rice terraces around Ubud
Exploring the rice terraces close to Ubud.

Becoming More Pregnant And Less Adventurous…

With my hormone levels rising, and an undeniable belly bump, I gradually became less adventurous. Suddenly, I longed for a break, and for the first time in more than nine years of travelling full-time, I wanted to be with my mother. It was a strong feeling, I then realised that I had never been homesick before that moment. Today, it makes perfect sense for me; I was going to become a mother myself and I wanted to share this with my family and spend time with them.

After almost six years of travelling non-stop around the globe, it suddenly made no sense for me to be so far away from the soon-to-be-grandparents. On top of that, one day in the middle of planning our move to Australia, my mom fell sick and told me that she was going to need surgery. This was the tip of the iceberg for me, and our final reason to cancel our current mission to settle down Down Under. There were no more discussions needed; we wanted to be home by Christmas.

Take The Long Way Home!

Still smiling yet the temperatures in Istanbul were giving us a hard time...
Still smiling although the temperatures in Istanbul were quite a change for us…

Luckily, travelling was still not a problem for me. Apart from the constant fatigue, I was feeling great. My belly did not draw much attention, so we easily passed through airport security with little hassle. To take it easy, we decided to break up the journey and spend a few days in Kuala Lumpur, another week in Istanbul before finally returning to Germany in December 2016. Check out my article with travel tips for Istanbul.

Finding My Way Back Into The System

Back in Germany, I spent the last three months of my pregnancy filling out tons of forms and spending gazillions of hours on the phone with all sorts of institutions. Gah, what a pain…! Who would have thought that re-settling into your home country would require such effort! Since I didn’t even have German health insurance and had been gone for more than five years, there was no way around it. I simply had to fill out all those forms and play by the rules…

Fast forward to May 16th when our sunny boy was finally born. Words can’t describe what I felt that day. I consider myself very lucky. I had an amazing pregnancy with no major symptoms and on top of that, giving birth was such a beautiful and overwhelming experience – I would do it all over again! All in all, little bubba has brought only joy and has been a wonderful addition to our lives. We are endlessly grateful to have him!

Joyful digital nomad mum from day one

What Happens Next In My Life As A Digital Nomad Mum?

You might be wondering how this digital nomad lifestyle is going to work with a baby? And, to be honest, that’s still a question we haven’t answered for ourselves. But we’ve tested the waters and introduced our little one to the world of travel. At the age of 3 months, we took him on a 10-day trip to Italy. It was such a blast seeing him enjoy the new surroundings. He passed his travel exam! We are not only very proud parents but also reassured that our little bubba might become the next digital nomad…

A trip to Italy showed us that baby is travel-proof
Travel-proof: Baby loves to travel – yay!

What Happens Next On The Blog?

For now, I am simply grateful to be able to spend some time with my mum. She is the happiest grandma ever, and luckily she has recovered and is doing fine now. I am also currently enjoying some time to catch up with my writing. There are so many stories I haven’t told, and tons of destinations I’ve yet to write about. So, the baby break won’t actually mean a halt to Jey Jetter, but a revival of my stagnated writing habits.

And of course, being a digital nomad mum now, my spectrum of interests has widened. That’s why I’d like to give this blog a bit of a revamp and introduce an additional focus. Don’t worry, I won’t discuss diapers or similar hot topics! But, there might be soon a section about travelling with kids or family-related topics. We’re still working on it…so, stay tuned for our upcoming posts!

Leave a comment and tell us what your experiences are! Don’t be shy, tell us what you think!



Are you still contemplating if the digital nomad lifestyle is something you might like? Then check out our post on how nine years of travelling full-time have changed my life.

Or do you wonder how to actually be able to finance your travels? Then check out our article on how to earn a little extra while on the road!



Is life feasible as a digital nomad mum?
Destination Guides Top Travel Posts Travel

The Coolest Things About Visiting Rio

Bucket list: Rio de Janeiro; Photo Credit: Agustin Diaz

This is still a big one to tick off my bucket list: Rio de Janeiro. When we travelled from North to South America, this was one of the countries we left out, unfortunately. But it’s just such a big country and we were running out of time as we had to catch our cruise ship to Europe with 100 other digital nomads. If you haven’t done so already, check out our posts from our trip through Central and South America, from Mexico to Ecuador. But now, sit back and enjoy this guest post about one of Brazil’s most thrilling destinations!


What to do in Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro is one of the most otherworldly cities on our planet. As major cities go, it strikes the ultimate postcard image, with its vast harbor, famous beaches, curious mountains, and the towering, world famous statue of Christ the Redeemer. It’s also known as something of a wild destination, characterized by beach parties, bustling crowds, and at times, unfortunately, a high crime rate. Provided you plan your trip well and stay in safe areas, however, a vacation to Rio can be incredible. If such a trip is on your radar, pay attention to these suggestions for the coolest things to do once you’re in town.

1. Christ The Redeemer Up Close

I already mentioned Christ The Redeemer, which more or less defines the skyline of Rio. But it’s something you should absolutely make the effort to see up close if you get the chance to visit. Widely viewed as one of the manmade wonders of the world, it’s a towering and imposing statue. What some don’t fully realize, however, is that it’s atop 690-meter-high Corcovado Mountain, which only makes its effect all the more striking. Up close you can appreciate both the magnificence of the statue itself and its position overlooking one of the planet’s most beautiful and intriguing cities.

Cristo Redentor in Rio de Janeiro

2. Sugar Loaf Mountain

If there’s a view to rival that from Christ The Redeemer, it’s the one from Sugar Loaf Mountain. This is a mountain you’ll probably recognize even if you’re not familiar with the name. It’s essentially a tall, rounded peak that frames the city of Rio in the bulk of images of the town. Roughly 1,300 feet high over Guanabara Bay, it’s actually reachable via cable car, making for a pretty thrilling (yet relaxing) experience. Many tourists prioritize this cable car ride, and with good reason.

Sugar Loaf Mountain South

3. Local Dancing

Brazil is home to one of the most famous festivals in the world, simply called Carnival. But dancing in the city, you can actually experience a taste of Brazilian Carnival no matter when you happen to be visiting. That’s actually a point that’s made in the description of a casino game based on this cultural aspect of Brazil, and that speaks to the popularity of dancing in Rio. That everything from an online slot machine to an internationally renowned festival can spring up from a city’s dancing culture ought to be a pretty big draw. Even if you don’t personally like to dance, you might consider checking out the city’s clubs to watch some of the experienced dancers.

4. Prainha Beach

If you’re familiar with the image of a gigantic beach packed with people, you’re probably thinking of Copacabana. This is the most famous beach in Rio, and certainly something you have to see and experience for yourself. But Prainha Beach may actually be the more pleasant experience for a lot of tourists. Located a short distance outside the main city, it’s just a little bit smaller and more secluded than the main attraction. That’s not to say you’ll have it to yourself, but it’s a more relaxing alternative to the busy (but still very fun) atmosphere at Copacabana.

Prainha Beach in Rio de Janeiro

5. Maracana

You might consider looking into a tour of the Maracana – Rio’s famous soccer stadium – whether or not there’s actually a match going on. But if you happen to be in town when the national team is playing or any other soccer event is being held, the Maracana should be at the very top of your list. Ranking it among the 10 best soccer stadiums in the world, the sport site FourFourTwo goes so far as to say it’s partly thanks to this football shrine that Brazil’s passion for the sport is known the world over. It’s a massive, historic venue that, on the right day, can make a sporting event seem almost like a spiritual experience. And if that sounds like it might be a little bit of an exaggeration, just ask some of the local fans how they feel about it!

Bucket list: Rio de Janeiro Maracana Stadium; Photo Credit: sama093 on Flickr


There are plenty of other spots worth exploring, for sure! This is just a short list, an appetizer to get you into the Rio-mood! What about you? Have you been to Rio yet? What must-sees have we missed to mention? Drop a line in the comments below, we’d love to know! 


Are you looking for more Latin American travel guides? Check out our post on Diving the Great Blue Hole of Belize if you are into scuba diving. Or what about a less sporty and therefore more cultural trip? Then you might like to read our Guatemala Travel Guide with tips for the ancient Mayan ruins in Copan.

Or are you curious about the lesser travelled routes in Honduras or Nicaragua, make sure not to skip these gems of Central America! Here is another post on Nicaragua about our fun day sailing along the coast of Playa Gigante.



Bucket list: Rio de Janeiro


Digital Nomad How To Make Money

7 Steps to Create a Location-Independent Business By Teaching Online

Teaching Online as a form of location-independent business option

There are so many ways to become a digital nomad and create a location-independent business. Teaching online is one of them. This guest post by Eduardo Yi is for all those of you who have some skills and knowledge to share and would like to know how to create an online course to become a location-independent business entrepreneur. 


Teaching Online: A Location-Independent Business Modell

The online course industry is exploding these days, and for a good reason. The fact that you can share your knowledge with the world and make money for example by teaching online from anywhere around the globe has driven many teachers to craft and selling an online course.

It doesn’t even matter what you will be teaching online; there’s almost certainly a market for it somewhere, so if you’ve wondered about how to start an online-course that sells, you’re in luck.

First, here’s a few reasons why you absolutely should build an online course:

  1. Quicker Monetization – Launching a blog or even youtube channel can take months and sometimes even years to build. With a course, you have a product ready-made that has zero inventory costs and high revenue possibilities.
  2. Eager Audience – If you’ve taken the time to learn something, chances are, so have a lot of other people. That means you will have a large, ready-made audience hungry for your product.
  3. Easily Scalable – Need more income? Re-release the course again with an extra module. With low overhead and tiny incremental costs, an online course is one of the most scalable businesses out there for digital nomads.
  4. Satisfying Work – You’re not just selling another done-for-you service, creating and selling a course has the potential to change lives through education.
  5. Perfect Brand-Builder – Many people take a long time to become an authority in their niche. Skip the line and create a course, and you can position yourself as the go-to person for this area.

Now that you’re convinced (hopefully), what do you do next? Simple. Here are seven easy steps to create your online course.


1. Explore Your Niche

I’m sure you’ve probably heard this expression before but remember: the riches are in the niches. If you want to separate yourself from the pack and really cater to a hyper-specific, underserved market, narrow down your niche into something more specific.

For instance, it may be that you are a full-time digital nomad blogger and a successful one at that. In this case, you might consider catering to a specific genre, such as developing a course for finance or education bloggers, or even beginner bloggers. You could even narrow down further and focus on beginner education bloggers.

You definitely don’t want to go too deep, but having a speciality is key to finding an underserved market that you can capitalize on.


Not into creating a location-independent business? Get my FREE guide to finding remote work instead:

Not into building your location-independent business right now? Get your FREE Guide to Finding Remote Work!


2. Set Your Goals

How much do you want to make with your course? Prices, depending on expertise, can be all over the place, ranging from a couple hundred dollars to several thousand. The speciality you choose and the market you’re in can go a long way in setting these rates.

If you’re just in it for a side-hobby or you’re more interested in building an audience; in this case, consider pricing it a little lower. If you want this to be your primary source of income to fund your nomadic lifestyle, then price it a little higher. Regardless, you need to set your goals first and let the rest of your plan follow suit.


3. Find (or Build) an Audience

If you don’t have an audience already made, then you’ll need to build one. This can include running paid advertisements or creating a “lead magnet” so that people will opt-in on your mailing list.

They key is to create something of value, and continue delivering value to your audience before you eventually sell. Give, give, and give… then pitch. You have plenty of knowledge to give, so don’t be stingy with it!

Don’t lose this post – pin it for later!

Create your Location-Independent Business By Teaching Online


4. Price It Right

What you ultimately decide to price your course it is up to you, but the key idea here is to create value. It doesn’t matter if your course is $50 or $50,000 if your students don’t feel like it is worth the money, then they won’t stick around long.

Consider also what a course like yours would go for in a physical setting. In some cases, a class on generating an e-commerce business would sell for $10,000 or more, specifically because, through the course, you will learn how to make much more. Do some research, and price accordingly.


5. Build a Sales Funnel for your Location-Independent Business

The first thing you need to do is build your foundation for the course itself, and that includes picking the platform that you want it to host on. Pick carefully, because an inferior platform will communicate to your students that the course itself is inferior.

Make sure that your course is mobile-friendly. Most likely, your students will be consuming it on-the-go, so you want to make sure that they have the capability to do so, and that the quality won’t suffer as a result.

Your sales page should have some key information: an attention-grabbing headline, a video or infographic to tease the course, explanation of the course itself, social proof, and a call to action. Make your course irresistible to potential customers, and you will have people lining up to enrol.



Want to mingle with like-minded people who already run a location-independent business?

or check out how you can earn a little extra as a digital nomad!


6. Create the Course

You may wonder why this is nearly the last step on this list. The answer is simple: there’s no reason to create anything if there are no students to buy it. Once you have the audience, however, you need to deliver in a big way.

The key to any good course is to create a transformation in the student, taking them from where they are to where they want to be. If your course is in affiliate marketing, then start with an introduction to what that is, and move them to more advanced techniques towards the end.

These days, course creation is simple too. Many of the supplies can be bought off Amazon, and freelancers are available worldwide to help with anything you may need.


7. Launch It!

Your course launch should follow a series of steps:

First, tease your course to your e-mail list. Second, answer any questions or concerns people may have about it. Then, open the doors to your students.

After that, you want to continue to answer questions that potential (and current) students have about it. Go out of your way here to be accessible; part of what people pay for is access to you, the expert.

Then throw in a bonus to entice more people to sign up and continue to convince people why your course is worth it. Finally, send out a few e-mails letting people know the doors are closing! Create a sense of urgency and grab the last few stragglers who are on the fence.



There are plenty of ways to develop and launch a course, but these are the ones that I’ve found to be most successful. 

What about you? If you were to create a course to teach online, what would it be about? Write back and let me know!



Pinterest: 7 Ways To create a location independent business by teaching online

About The Author

Eduardo Yi is the lead content marketer at Teachable, a platform that allows everyone, from creative individuals to established organizations, to easily teach online and create profitable businesses.



Perhaps you are not into teaching but you love writing? Consider having a blog instead. You can generate passive income from your site if you write about your travels or life as a digital nomad.

Or perhaps you’re still deciding if the digital nomad lifestyle is for you, read here how five years of full-time travelling have changed my life.

Either you have a location-independent business or want to work remotely as a freelancer, read this post on the gadgets and devices all digital nomads should have!



Tucked Away Locations You Want to Visit

5 Tucked Away Places to Check Out

5 Tucked Away Locations You’ll Brag About Visiting

If you’re looking for unique travel locations that will give you real stories to tell, then you’ve come to the right place! This list, inspired by Agness and Cez of eTramping, has got you covered. All of these are places that you’ll want you snap a few selfies at to wow your friends and family. And unless they’re already world travellers, it’s unlikely they’ve been to any of these locations; which means you’ll get instant bragging rights. Let’s just dive right in:



Sitting at the literal edge of the world; Svalbard trip comes in at number one. You could try to go further north than Svalbard, but you won’t find anything but ice and sea. The settlements here are the last permanent settlements you’ll find in this direction on planet earth. In addition to the stunning landscapes of glaciers and seascapes of the ice-covered Arctic, Svalbard also boasts an amazing geologic diversity. Tucked away locations, Svalbard

Many skeletons from the Jurassic period have been found in this region, and activity directors will show you where to collect your own marine fossils to take home. Aside from the breathtaking natural sites, you will find some great festivals to experience here as well. You can enjoy a traditional Oktoberfest every late September or come for the Dark Season Blues Festival to kick off the 4 months of darkness that the region lives under each winter.



Tucked away in the Pacific between Hawaii and Australia you can find the tiny string of islands that make up Tuvalu. This Polynesian paradise is only 10 square miles in size and while it doesn’t offer many events or activities it has gorgeous white sand beaches and the shade of plenty of palm trees, which is enough to lure me there! Perhaps the main reason to travel to Tuvalu is that you won’t be able to for much longer. Tucked away locations, Tuvalu


That is if sea levels keep rising. In 1989 the UN listed it as one of the island chains most likely to disappear beneath the sea in the 21st century. Go to Tuvalu and enjoy a picnic on a beach to yourself, a motorbike trip around the island (you can rent one for about $10 USD per day) or just play on the airstrip (aka community park) in the evenings with the locals. Visiting this island will give you a truly laid-back experience and a chance to simply relax and recharge.



Alright, Malta might be a lot more popular than the others here, but it’s still a must-visit location that not everyone has on their bucket list. Sitting in the Mediterranean sea, Malta lies 50 miles off the coast of Italy and has a history that dates back to the Neolithic era. Tucked away locations, Malta


Malta is a history lover’s paradise, with some of the oldest standing structures known to mankind and stories of grandeur from St. Paul to Napoleon Bonaparte. If you’re not a history buff then come to see the Malta jazz, fireworks, or arts festivals, the spectacular scuba diving, or carnival week that occurs every February. You can also easily visit Malta’s sister islands of Gozo and Comino. Comino is known for its spectacular swimming spots and Gozo for its Opera Houses.


Follow me on Pinterest for beautiful destinations, travel tips and digital nomad hacks:


As one out of only two doubly-landlocked countries on earth and the only country lying entirely in the Alps, Liechtenstein is another location you’ll want to brag about visiting. It’s also one of the richest countries in the world, and thanks to its free-enterprise economy it offers living standards akin to that of the larger European countries. Tucked away locations, Liechtenstein


Liechtenstein can give you a wine and fine dining experience or a breathtaking hike through the Alps; whichever suits your fancy. The Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein is an architecturally stunning art museum that also offers a café with a more diverse menu than you might think (sushi anyone?). Among other attractions, there’s also an Alpine Marathon in June and a 3 day, open-air music festival, the Vaduz SOUNDZ, in July.



Another beautiful island in the South Pacific; Nauru sits northeast of Australia and is the smallest independent republic in the world (and formerly one of the richest). Today, you won’t hear of many people visiting Nauru due to the island’s unfortunate economic decline. While you won’t be able to see it in its former splendour or have many options for accommodation, it’s still definitely worth your visit. Nauru has many remnants of Japanese occupation during WWII that you can find across the island, making it another great stop for history buffs. You can also visit the Nauru Government House and the Civic Center where you can find a bustling little Saturday market and try all the local foods. Tucked away locations, Nauru
Photo credit: By Hadi Zaher from Melbourne, Australia (Living on a Blue Planet | Nauru) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Whether you want solitude and relaxation or a trip filled with festivals and fun, I’ll bet one of these locations will hit the spot. No doubt, they each offer their own unique experience that differs from the average trip to Paris or New York. Not only is it fun to explore a place where most people haven’t been, it allows you become a well-rounded individual. Immersing ourselves in other cultures and ways of life can really help to keep our own in perspective.

What is the most unique location that you’ve been to? Let us know, so we can take notes and plan our next adventure!


5 Tucked Away Locations you'll want to visit!



About Agness and Cez from eTramping:

Since 2011, Cez and Agness have been travelling the world and today consider themselves experts in the field of world travel. The couple from Poland has ticked off their bucket list locations across Asia, Europe, and beyond! They even lived in many different parts of the world for various amounts of time. We are happy to share their guest post on Jey Jetter about their 5 special places and hope you’ll check out their blog for more awesome recommendations from the eTramping guys. Tucked away locations, eTramping

>>> Read More! <<<

Check out Why it’s more fun in the Philippines where you can read about
cool locations to stay and work as a digital nomad.

Or perhaps you’re still deciding if the digital nomad lifestyle is for you, read here
how Five years of full-time travelling have changed my life.