Course Reviews

Mindvalley’s Yoga Quest | Honest Review

Here is my take on Mindvalley’s yoga quest. It’s a 21-day course that will take you on a journey to keep connecting with yoga and stay committed to your daily practice:

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Mindvalley’s Yoga Quest will take you on a journey to practice yoga on a daily basis for 21 days. Either if you are a beginner or seasoned yogi master, this quest is a fun and wonderful way to keep up your daily yoga routine.

Start creating a healthy habit for your body and mind:

By Julia Jerg

Julia is the founder and chief editor of Jey Jetter, a site that showcases the option of working remotely and travel as much as you like. Julia is a former PR/marketing consultant who turned into a remote working social media manager, travel writer and public speaker living location independently since 2011. She has been to 86 countries on all 6 continents and lived in several different countries for more than six months. Her laptop is her office and the label 'digital nomad' fits best to describe her lifestyle. On this site, she writes about personal freedom, remote work and her passion for travelling.

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