Course Reviews

Mindvalley Bending Reality Review [Year]: Is It Worth Your Time? (Truth)

Explaining The Core Of Mindvalley Bending Reality

Want to know more about what Mindvalley Bending Reality is and how it works? You have landed at the right place. 

In the Masterclass about Bending Reality, Vishen talks about his most personal moments and shares unspoken truths about putting continuous personal transformation into practice. 

In this article, we will be discussing the in-depth meaning that lies within the concept of Bending Reality.

Reasons Why Is Vishen Qualified To Train You. 

Mindvalley, the brainchild of Vishen Lakhiani, is today an award-winning movement in the domain of education having millions of students across the globe and is growing super fast.

Lakhiani has spent more than 15 years in reanalyzing human experience and in probing further into the science of assisting humans in reaching the epitome of their potential through Mindvalley. 

Vishen has also created A-Fest, Mindvalley Quests, Mindvalley University, and many other platforms to assist in shaping lives in the arena of personal transformation.

He led Mindvalley to the way of joining and training the Fortune 500 companies, government institutes, and million others across the globe to lead their lives in extraordinary ways.

His work in the domain of personal growth also spreads across the public sector as an activist and speaker who constantly works towards bringing a change in the core systems that have an influence on our lives, including work culture, education, well-being, and politics. 

Vishen Lakhiani

Lakhiani first presented these ideas of Bending Reality in a speech in 2009 at Calgary, Alberta. There he shared the stage with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. His speech included facts about Bending Reality and its application in teams and businesses. At that time, he described it as “being in the flow.”

Now let us get into details of what Bending Reality is.

The Four States Of Human Living

Vishen asks you to think of happiness in the present and vision for your future as two elements that need to be combined in a balance. An imbalance can lead to limitations and complications. Depending on how you can combine both these elements at any point in life, we can be in one of these four mind states. 

  • The Negative Spiral

The state where you aren’t happy in the present and also don’t have a vision for your future. This is the most excruciating place to be in, and you wish to get out of it ASAP.

  • The Current Reality Trap

It feels amazing to be in this state because you are happy with your present. Though there is nothing wrong with this but happiness alone is not what matters.

You need to look forward to long-term fulfilment and happiness, which comes from doing much more meaningful things. This state can get you temporary happiness but no long-term fulfilment. 

  • Stress And Anxiety

It is amazing to think big and have a wish to attain great things, but even this is not the best state if you postpone your happiness for this.

You may be stuck in this phase if you feel that you are working really hard, and you are still not progressing, or you have no idea where you wish to go ahead. 

  • Bending Reality

This is what you call the ideal state because here you have both, now you are happy with and a vision for your future. Despite not having achieved your desired vision, you are happy. In this state, you feel both enjoyment and growth together.

This is both your destination as well as your journey. People often think that you are “LUCKY” and have the universe rooting things for you. You find the right ideas, people, and opportunities gravitating towards you. Your happiness becomes the fuel pushing you to your vision. 

MindValley Bending Reality

Knowing More About Bending Reality

Bending Reality is the sixth core principle discussed in the book The Code Of The Extraordinary Mind, which is written by Vishen Lakhani.

He is the esteemed founder and CEO of MindValley, which is one of the leading companies in the domain of personal development. In his book The Code Of The Extraordinary Mind, Vishen shares how you can think like the best of the non-conformist minds we have in this era.

He talks about questioning, challenging, hacking, and creating new rules and ways for how you live in order to define success in your own style. 

MindValley Bending Reality

The basic idea behind the bending Reality is that the world you are surrounded with will match up to your extent of awareness.

When you set clear intentions and guidelines as to what you really want to feel in this life of yours and give in all you focus in achieving a positive and happy state in the interest of it you will begin to enter the world where your visions and dreams become the mitochondria of what you experience every day. 

What Bending Reality For Profit And Fun Talks About

The time you begin playing and experimenting with new ways of consciousness engineering, living, and thinking your life starts feeling a lot more exciting and spacious. You wish to do a lot more and also be a lot more. You wish actually to thrive as a human. 

When you master the art of self-liberation from culture scape, you become prepared for the mastery of the next level that is mastery of the inner self. Now you are ready to redevelop and transform yourself into a completely new human and make your own mark in this universe.

But culture hackers do not like doing this in a standard way, and you won’t do it either. Rather you will question and redefine the two biggest pillars of the way we define success, which is attaining the desired goals and happiness. 

You will definitely get both, that too in enormous quantities but not be striving and struggling. Alternatively, they will come by accomplishing a delicate balance between your happiness levels and future vision.

Vishen calls it living in this state as “bending reality.” This is because he believes that luck seems to have his back and universe by his side when he puts himself in this state. It is like bending the Reality to make his days perfect and unfolding vision at an incredible speed. 

It is crucial to keep in mind that though you should have big goals, but at the same time, do not tie your happiness to these goals. You should be happy in your life even before you achieve them. 

Why Is Bending Reality Named So? 

Bending Reality is called so because when you operate in this mode, it seems that everything in your life is bending towards making things happen in an effortless manner, and everything seems possible. 

In short, you create a subtle balance between the bold vision that pulls you forward and your NOW, which you are happy in. But here is a secret, both these things are rooted in your present. 

Living in your past and letting it define who you are is pointless, and so is losing yourself in the anxiety of what the future holds for you.

Your life is all about the very moment you live in because that is what your field of possibility is. The way you engage with the ongoing moment will give a direction to your life. 

It does not feel like work when your vision pulls you continuously in bending Reality. It seems like a game you would love to play over and over.

Concurrently your happy state isn’t tied to what the future is. Right at the moment, you feel incredibly happy and elated. You are happy on your path to pursuing this vision and not only when you attain it. 

Blend Reality

Two Most Important Elements Of Bending Reality

Now that we know how Bending Reality works, it is time to take a look at the two most crucial elements of the Bending Reality. 

Be Happy With Your Now

According to Vishen, being happy with what you have at this very moment without tying it to your vision attainment is crucial. For this, you need to combine the pursuit of your vision to the sense of gratitude that you have already.

This way, you don’t have to keep waiting for happiness to come to your life. Rather happiness becomes a by-product of your vision attainment. From feeling highly motivated to move forward to a deep feeling of fulfilment, you will find your job to become a craving for you.

Even working 12 hours straight will not make you feel burned out. Lakhiani believes this to be the only way how truly incredible people have attained their vision. 

Develop an exciting future vision

Vishen throughout the concept of Bending Reality emphasizes on having a vision for the future. It can be creating a masterpiece, climbing a mountain, raising a family, or a product/service to create.   

How Does Bending Reality Feels

Vishen believes that Bending Reality feels mystical. Everything seems to fall in place. Even work doesn’t feel like work. Additionally, insights and intuitions seem to come to you easily.

This is probably because of your mind being so focused on your future vision that you are alert about everything that can help you achieve your desired goals and vision.

At the same time, you are in a joyous and happy state, which leads you to the path of creativity. At times it will seem like the right opportunities, people and coincidences are coming to you, nudges you, and pushes you towards your vision. 

For him, it is a reality model that serves him well. All these reasons make him call this the ultimate and optimal state for a human to exist in. Quite practically, he also believes in the greatest productivity hack. In that state, you feel as if you are bending the Reality to gravitate yourself to the future vision you desire without anxiety and in an efficient manner.

Everyone must have experienced this feeling at some point or the other, but the trick is to stay in this state for a longer period of time. 

The Four Stages Of Consciousness

Vishen categorizes human consciousness in four stages. 

Most people tend to live in the first stage. This place is what we call the victim mindset, where people find them to be a hostage of the world and social paradigms, stereotypes, and notions. These people believe that life is just happening to them, and they cannot control it whatsoever. They aren’t even aware enough to put up questions. 

According to Vishen, the second stage is where a person seeks wisdom and starts believing in the power residing within them. This is where most people into personal development are, and change comes in. 

The third and fourth stages are the stages in which you start living your life and begin the practical implementation of whatever you learned in stage 2. This is where living according to your aspirations and wishes, begins. At this stage, you wish to break all the barriers which were created by your lower consciousness in the past. 

Bending Reality

What Will You Get To Learn From Bending Reality Masterclass

In this free Masterclass of 90 minutes: 

  • You will learn about your consciousness level. Take up the quickfire exercise and know the level of Ascension you actually stand on out of the four levels. 
  • Next, you will learn about how you can shape the world around you according to what you think. Lakhiani talks about making the right choices intuitively with his personal framework.
  • He also talks about how to create the opportunities and outcomes that will push you to reach the epitome of your potential. 
  • You will also learn how you are a prisoner of your own thoughts. Explore how quickly you can evolve from culture scape traps and demoralizing victim state to incredible heights of creativity, self-mastery, intuition, and unity. 
  • Learn about the adversity antidote. May it be distress in your career, wealth, relationships, or health, this life-changing mind hack can assist you to rise above it quickly. 
  • Get to learn about the seven shocking side effects when you expand your consciousness.
  • By following these simple and straightforward steps, you can open doors for never-ending inspiration, stronger relationships, peace of mind, and, most importantly, the power to bend the Reality. 
  • Understand how to get the whole universe by your side. Envisage a life where opportunities, amazing fortune, and synchronicity are attracted to you like magic, which almost feels like there is a higher power trying to fix things for you every day. 
  • Get an understanding of hacking your happiness and mastering your emotions.
  • We are slaves of our emotions is what outmoded believes in. But the modern-day neurosciences have something altogether different to say. 
  • Find how you can actually grow and develop on autopilot. Autopilot growth is where you learn and expand in your life without struggling but with zero conscious efforts.
  • Many people don’t know about achieving this inaccessible state, but this Masterclass will guide you through the process. 

And many more incredible and amazing lessons and insights of personal growth that Lakhiani has gathered in the past 25 years. 

My Personal Opinion

In the Bending Reality, Lakhiani went deep into the aspect of the evolution of one’s consciousness.

From talking about the state of mind, a human should be in for someone’s mind to begin “ bending reality” to citing the experiences and studies of others with his own thoughts is pretty impactful. 

You will also find advanced techniques to apply in his famous 6-phase meditation, which you can also find on Youtube.

These techniques will help you in speeding up the process of pacing towards your vision and goals. 

If you have been putting creative visualization in practice and still have problems with manifestation, you will be amazed at how most people are doing it in the wrong manner.

Vishen offers the right techniques that brought him and others who followed it consistent and amazing results. 

FAQ: Mindvalley Bending Reality

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h4″ question-0=”Q.1. What Are The Four Stages Of Human Living?” answer-0=”Depending on how you can combine the vision for your future and happiness in your now at any point in life, we can be in one of these four mind states, namely Negative Spiral, Current Reality Trap, Stress And Anxiety, and The Bending Reality. Out of these, Bending Reality is the ideal state to live in. ” image-0=”” headline-1=”h4″ question-1=”Q.2. What Is The Law Of Bending Reality?” answer-1=”According to the law of Bending Reality, extraordinary minds have the capability to bend Reality as they have exciting and bold visions for their future without having their happiness tied to their future. They are happy in their present and thus create a balance that allows them to move ahead to attain their goals at a pace that is much faster and with tons of happiness along the way. Outsiders find them “lucky”. ” image-1=”” headline-2=”h4″ question-2=”Q.3 What Are The Two Most Important Elements Of Bending Reality?” answer-2=”When it comes to bending Reality, the two most important elements are to be happy with your present, and having an exciting vision for your future. This leads you to the path where you attain your goals, and meanwhile, you are happy on your path of pursuing the vision. ” image-2=”” count=”3″ html=”true” css_class=””]

[button-red url=”” position=”center”]🔥Join Mindvalley Bending Reality Now[/button-red]

By Julia Jerg

Julia is the founder and chief editor of Jey Jetter, a site that showcases the option of working remotely and travel as much as you like. Julia is a former PR/marketing consultant who turned into a remote working social media manager, travel writer and public speaker living location independently since 2011. She has been to 86 countries on all 6 continents and lived in several different countries for more than six months. Her laptop is her office and the label 'digital nomad' fits best to describe her lifestyle. On this site, she writes about personal freedom, remote work and her passion for travelling.

4 replies on “Mindvalley Bending Reality Review [Year]: Is It Worth Your Time? (Truth)”

This subject fascinates me incredibly. Looking forward to this Masterclass. Thank you

Great article. I am loving Mindvalley and Vishen Lakhiani. I am 52 years old and live in São Paulo/Brazil, but I was born in Salvador/Bahia.
I am japanese descendent and discover my IKIGAI in Origami. I started bending reality in the last years when I gave up my digitla marketing career. I become a professional speaker, maker educator and origamist.

I will follow your articles!

Oh wow, what a wonderful story, thanks for sharing! So glad it worked out for you – it’s crazy how much we can reach with the right mindset. Congrats. And thanks so much for following along!

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